Wow. You have reason to vent AND to celebrate. Your posts resonate so strongly with me. I am battling my ex...still, but it's because we share children. So you really do have some luck there, let me tell you.
But the total grip they have on us for so long is not easy to break loose from, and they know it, and count on it. I have been away from my ex for 10 years and he still can't let me go, emotionally, and he has the kids as tools to get to me.
But I walked away from the "fight" and you can, too. I still have tons of legal crap to get through, so no, I am not free of this, but emotionally, it's over for me. He can take his hidden money overseas and shove it up his arse. He can call me names in court all he wants, he can stomp and rage and rant and have his little tantrums. Doesn't matter. All I can do is let it go. Step aside and let it fly by. So he ups the ante.....they always do, and you are right about it. My ex's raging is escalating the more I detach. Oh well. I hope and pray he doesn't hurt our kids, (teenagers) but emotionally, he already has, and now that is their battle to fight....or detach from. It's their path.
I hope you can feel that way soon.....the anger will be a clearing for you. You might want to find ways to work it out, so that it doesn't become habitual. But you have every right to whatever feelings you have right now. Can't deny them. Just keep your head down and keep walking right through the pain toward your bright, N-less future!!!!