I have been doing really well dealing with the fallout of breaking my N mother's control over me and my life, and while there have been a few bumps in the road, so far, I am doing well.
Unfortunately, my sister (who lives out of state) is a bit of an enabler, and is feeling sorry for our mother... she is a bit of a pollyanna type (always looks on the bright side, even when there ISN'T any) and she has been pestering me over the last few months with requests for help for our mother... which is one of the things that I was trying to distance myself from. My mother expected me to do even the most mundane of tasks for her, even tho she isn't disabled, feeble-minded or otherwise unable to do them herself. (I last posted about my mom expecting me to do her taxes for her... and the nasty phone call that resulted in a huge fight when I told her "no")
Anyway, today I get an email from my sister, regarding my upcoming visit to see my dad and her family at the end of this month. My Dh and I are going up there for a week, and I had to arrange for a pet sitter for my kitties. I had mentioned this to my sister in passing, because usually my mom took care of my cats while I was gone, and I took care of hers while she was gone. I don't want her in my house at all anymore (she is a major snooper) not to mention I don't want to be beholden to my mother for anything, so I found a very nice licenced pet sitter in the phone book and made arrangements for her to care for my pets while away.
My sister sent me an email that requested my pet sitter's info, so she could pass it along to our mother. She also requested me to do something for our mother for Mother's Day. I am sick of her acting like our mother is some poor wounded bird that needs care and coddling... so my response to her email is below... does it sound like I did okay???
She has a petsitter; the one we used back for your wedding - the magnet should be still on her fridge... I think it was green and shaped like a bone. If not, I am sure she is capable of checking with her vet for recommendations or looking one up in the phonebook; that is what I did.
*quote from my sister's email:
>Mother's Day is coming up, please do something for mom, even if it's just a
>short phone call or a card. She misses you very much and has been trying
>very hard not to bother you or ask you for anything. Even if you don't want
>a relationship with her, a simple gesture for Mother's Day would probably
>mean a great deal to her.
*end of quote*
Please stop asking me to do things for her. If I choose to do anything, then it is because I care about her, not because she is so lonely, or because you asked me to, but because I choose to still include her in my life. I really need you to understand this, because it feels like you are taking her side in all of this. Please at least respect my request to stop trying to "fix" this by asking me to participate.
I have never been the one to cut her off, that was her choice, and she was quite clear about her demands and expectations of me in order for her to continue to "love" me. I am not avoiding her calls, but I am no longer willing to put my life on hold whenever she demands anymore. I am tired of the fighting, the responsibility, the jealousy and the neediness. You seem to have forgotten (or is it just because you are now the "golden child"?) how she can be, and I am distancing myself from her for my own sanity and peace of mind.
I'm glad that you are being a source of comfort to her, but please remember, she has cut off everyone in her life who offends her whether they are family or friends, and has isolated herself from co-workers and social contacts. She has made the choices to live the way she does, and that is not my fault or my responsibility... no matter how much she wants it to be.
I am really tired of my sister acting like this; she has been on the receiving end of our mother's anger and cruelty, so it just really galls me that she would even write stuff like this!!! I had actually written something MUCH harsher, but I am trying to take the high road and not get mean... but I really need her to understand how her interference isn't helping and really hurts me...
(my sister is very over-sensitive as well, so no matter what I wrote, I'm probably still going to piss her off) *sigh*