Author Topic: $$$$$  (Read 8676 times)


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2006, 09:09:32 PM »
How's this write... I believe that when you tune into the world, the world tunes in to you! Does that make sense?????
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2006, 01:16:13 AM »
 Money is just money. It's not nearly as important as everyone wants it to be. It's just energy, like everything else. I know from my own life, that when I worry, the money faucet stops. Not a drop. When I don't worry, and have everything else, good things happen. A forgotten check will arrive, my realtor says my house is worth more than I thought (YAY), or some family inheritance shows up.....All I know is it's not worth losing sleep over. Well, nothing is (unless you are cramming for exams...that's worth the sleep loss).
I totally believe that I will continue to be a fortunate person, and in my book it means: food on the table and a roof over my head...and then some if I am lucky. I am grateful every single night for those two things, and well aware that there are many people in the world, for whom that would seem a luxury.

Am I debt free? No way. I was, before three years of legal fees fighting for my freedom!  So nope, I have debt. I have a plan to get out of it. But I am not freaking out. I have yet to see where freaking out over money helps at all. And I have seen where it makes it worse.

I would have a few years back, but that was when I was married to a miser with a "poverty mentality". He was and always will be "the starving artist". Very proud of it.  He used me and my good fortune (use to say: "this time around (I was his third wife) I got a better looking, younger wife, and a much better house "(it was and is MY house).  He spent hours each day counting up where every single penny went, checking every reciept and tracking it on the computer (MY money, mind you). He focused so long and hard on those two nickles he had to rub together, that he missed opportunities for actually making money, and he resented the heck out of the "priveleged" clientele whose children we both taught.  He hated money and never made much. Convenient, hating those more "fortunate" so that when you take 3 months off work each year you can somehow make that ok in your head (at least I am not rich??? HuH?)

My first husband (the one y'all hear about here a lot) makes tons of money, and likes to spend it on "interesting" things, that make him look good/interesting/smart.  And he likes to hide it from his kids. But you know that story. And as rolling in dough as he is, he also has a poverty mentality as well.  His goes like this" there is not enough _____ (fill in the blank with money, love, fun, stuff) to go around. There is a limited I will hoard what I can". He likes to flaunt what wealth he has...because it's an extension of Ego. yeah.

Some people in my family are in horrible debt, but they spend money  like crazy. Not my job to judge them. Some people in my family make a lot of money and criticize those who don't for being in debt. Whatever. Not my place to have an opinion. I figure both of these types are entitled to thier opinions. I've got too many other things to think about than what they do with their money (or lack thereof).

Write: But if someone was taking advantage of me like your friend, I would definately put up a fence. I was appalled by your friend's behavoir. That's not really about money. That's about boundaries and a total lack of integrity.

"Neither a borrower or a lender be": good advice. It's hard to lend without attachment or borrow without guilt. 


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2006, 09:26:31 AM »
Write: But if someone was taking advantage of me like your friend, I would definately put up a fence. I was appalled by your friend's behavoir. That's not really about money. That's about boundaries and a total lack of integrity.

I love my friend and her family, but one thing I have noticed mum- she is sure of my love and friendship and therefore takes it for granted.

I am putting up more boundaries with her.

Yesterday I was out watering and she came out with another mutual friend I went to say hi and was going to offer to cook for us all ( I know her new schedule of college Downtown is very tiring )
She didn't appear to particularly want to talk to me, walked in and shut her door, so I turned around and came in also.
I don't know what it was about, if anything, and I don't care; I've had enough of people stropping around in my life.


My ex came over ranting Saturday pm, I know he's havign a difficult time, and it did make him go back to the psych Monday, but I was trashed and threw him out eventually. Of course then I have to put on a brave face for Mother's Day for our son.

Then last night he called in again, I had had a couple of glasses of wine and he disapproved so I get that old N-treatment of looking at me like I did something unacceptable then anything I say even if I know he really agrees he'll say the opposite.

So he'll be another person discouraged from visiting if he can't be more respectful.

And it's not about apology- he called and apologised after. It's just impossible to retain piece of mind when someone is prepared to act out all the time.


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2006, 10:44:50 AM »
She didn't appear to particularly want to talk to me, walked in and shut her door, so I turned around and came in also.
I don't know what it was about, if anything, and I don't care; I've had enough of people stropping around in my life.
Guilt. It's about guilt. She knows she did a bad thing, and she is feeling guilty. Too bad she doesn't have the guts to own up to her mistake, and repay you the money, with apology.


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2006, 05:20:49 PM »
well it's impossible to know. I have discussed stuff like this with my friend before and always think we're past it, but it keeps happening...

as for ex. He just put the phone down on me.

Think I'll take the high ground for an hour or two! ****** 'em all!


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2006, 05:40:34 PM »
Aww, Write,
What a rough couple days you're having.

Sometimes it feels like all the bad energy and frustration comes together like breezes to make a tornado.

Wishing you soon on your emotional "feet" again.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2006, 05:54:23 PM »

I don't care as much as I thought I would, I cried last night, but it's all part of the letting go.
I'm going to ask for a divorce.

do you notice a pattern though- every time I'm getting on with things and things are ok my ex ( and now it seems my friend ) are quick to jump in and either tell me I'll make myself ill or if that fails be horrible and upset me!


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Re: $$$$$
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2006, 06:31:53 PM »

You've been provoked. Hope you keep a grip on your own "upset" button as much as you can...and be kind to yourself.

You can't do their work for them (ex or "friend")...and you're doing such a good job with your own work.

You don't deserve to have doors shut in your face or to be ranted at.

(Sometimes apologies come too late, if the last straw's been loaded on the camel.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."