My husband and I have no debt except for our mortgage. Our only expenses are that and the monthly bills. We discussed cable tv, and decided that it was an unnecessary expense. I don't own a cell phone. We have one older car and one car that is around 2 years old. We go out to eat a few times a week, but it is the less expensive places that two people can eat at for under 20$ and we have an "entertainment" budget that still allows us to put a nice chunk of money into savings every month.
We paid off our school loans, car notes, and any extra expenses several years ago, and we pay off our credit cards in full every month. If we don't have the money, we don't charge it.
We both have good 401Ks, and a cushion amounting to several thousand in the bank in a savings account for unexpected repairs/vacation funds. We started our savings in our late twenties, and now in our early 30's, it is looking like we are well on the way to being financially secure and able to retire early.
I also HATE debt... I have gone without or saved up over several months/years to be able to afford something that I just had to have... I treat those things as "I deserved it, but also I EARNED it."
We have a few really nice pieces of furniture, that we saved for because we both thought they were worth it. We are planning a trip to Ireland, but it took us three years to get the funds for it... it will be paid for BEFORE we book the tickets!!
I don't understand the mentality today that has people living above their means or having debt for things that they can't afford. I know the American average is something like 10,000 dollars on credit cards, but that just boggles the mind... how on earth can those people sleep at night?? I would be in a state of permanent freaked'outedness (I know that isn't a word

) if I had that hanging over my head!