Author Topic: Not very happy with lawyer...  (Read 2265 times)


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Not very happy with lawyer...
« on: May 16, 2006, 11:18:44 AM »
Okay, I'm needing to vent here.  I have a psych. eval coming up and I've read over and over again here how important it is that I get in first.  I told my lawyer this whenever the judge agreed to it and told her again later.  When I asked where do we go from here, she said, "Now let me do my job."  Well, weeks went by and I never heard from her.  When I called her back, he asst. said I needed to call and sounded a little confused. Now HE'S got appointments before ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm PISSED!!!  $350/hour, lost the hearing and now this.  THis is my 3rd lawyer.  I told this woman I was not very happy with the way my case has been handled so far and that I was tired of being on the defensive with him and wanted to be on the offensive and get more aggressive and this is the latest.

I don't want to look like an idiot by changing lawyers again - my first "disappeared" on me, the second I had to leave b/c I chose to end the "collaborative" process.  He has had the same lawyer the whole time except when he had to get out of the collaborative process.  I'm friggin' tired of having a "nice" lawyer.  He is not nice and his lawyer is not nice and he is not nice to my D. 

I will see how she performs today and if she is aggressive at all with regards to the finances. 

I'm just feeling SICK!!!


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 12:05:09 PM »
The only thing I would say is from my own experience, if you are dealing with an aggressive, nasty n personality man, you are better off having a male attorney.  This may go against everything you feel and believe, but you may find that an aggressive male attorney can provide a higher intimidation factor than a female attorney--whether she is nice or aggressive.  Under no circumstances, however, should the attorney you hire be nice.  An n doesn't understand or respect nice.  This is one area where you need to get down to their level, imo, unless you just don't care how you come out of the whole thing--but I know that's not how you feel.

I hope you don't have to go in search of another attorney, but if you do, you may want to keep that in mind.



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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 12:35:18 PM »
MO vent here....calm and cool later  8)

I bet you won't look like an idiot whatever you do. If you do change, hey, you're really after someone good! What's wrong with wanting someone who can do the job - and do it excellently??? You deserve, your D deserves.

Trust your own views and don't give a fig about what anyone thinks about you :D

Best of the best for today.


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 01:00:24 AM »
You need a SMART lawyer, not necessarily an agressive one. My ex's lawyer is a nasty bitch (excuse me) but not the smartest....she wins many times through sheer intimidation and  because she is soooo mean. But my lawyer is SMART. She is not the least bit intimidated by any other lawyers.  My lawyer was smart enough to know how to throw TONS of exposing things my ex's way, which caused him to throw in the towel. Not mean, not nasty....just smart. And smart means a LOT OF MONEY.

Don't worry about paying for it. Money is just energy....there will be a way.  Don't worry about anything, as a matter of fact. Just KNOW what you want will be done. Set your intention.. You will find a new lawyer, you will win this case. You have nothing to worry about. Please believe me when I say, you will prevail. DO NOT give up. Stay patient, focused and strong and happy. That's what wins. It will be ok. Make it so. You have that power.

Sending you POWER and LOVE (one in the same).


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 03:12:44 AM »
Mum   There is so much wisdom in what you say no matter what you apply your principle of intent to the right attorney finding the right Doctor,no matter what the situation. Money is energy and of course
 like I am being patient in finding the right Doctor.


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2006, 03:18:48 AM »
As far as attorneys go being nasty may not help at all MUM is correct being smart and confident is good in a court of law.


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2006, 09:21:55 AM »
Well, I met with my L yesterday and got a lot of clarity.  The evaluator's office told her and ME something different apparently than what they told stbxh.  So she will call today to see if she can get some strings pulled and let her know (in her L way) that I don't want to spend hours defending myself against his ghost stories (bs).

I made a list of points I was not happy with and discussed those w/ her and she was glad I brought those up. I have been going through her paralegal a lot to save $ and she said that if I need to deal with her more, we would just have to do that.

I also found out that he doesn't WANT to do the eval. and wants to settle it, but won't turn over any financial info.  My L filed a motion to compel yesterday to MAKe him turn his financials over.  Think he's trying to hide something?  He's going to have a COW when he sees how much I know about the financials.  He had stocks and accounts hidden that he didn't think I knew about (b/c keeping me in the dark financially was one more aspect of his abuse).

He apparently told his L that everything was settled financially.  Boy is he in for a surprise!

But she is SMART, and I was satisfied with what I heard yesterday.  SHe is willing to work with me and FOR me. 

Thanks brigid, portia, bean, mum, moon for your words.

I will set the intention (again :?)

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2006, 09:35:53 AM »
I'm glad your lawyer saw you and talked out your concerns; I hope she really goes after him. I really hope she cranks up the "bitch-factor" and tears him a new one...legally, of course.

You have facts on your side... I hope that the courts see that.

If only closed minds came with closed mouths.


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2006, 09:57:17 AM »
MO good good! :D Hope it continues well.


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2006, 09:59:42 AM »
I also found out that he doesn't WANT to do the eval. and wants to settle it, but won't turn over any financial info.  My L filed a motion to compel yesterday to MAKe him turn his financials over.  Think he's trying to hide something?  He's going to have a COW when he sees how much I know about the financials.  He had stocks and accounts hidden that he didn't think I knew about (b/c keeping me in the dark financially was one more aspect of his abuse).


This is EXACTLY where we got my the wallet. Exposure is too much for them....because of what they are hiding....
keep at it, Movinon...keep at it.  You have NOTHING to hide from the eval....he does.  SOOO glad you feel better about your attorney. If she subpeonas everyone involved in his money IS the "bitch" factor....or rather the smart factor!!


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Re: Not very happy with lawyer...
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2006, 08:59:04 AM »
The law is a hard thing for me my n father is an attorney.Judging is something that at times has had no value to me.
But it is all right to discern. Discernment is different.You understand from what you do in your life.You do it because it works for you.
Judging is a foreign thing to me.Sorry a little off topic.......................