Bean and Sugarre,
I truly understand your caution and discomfort. I think I keep grappling with this because it's part of my view of what needs to happen on this earth...we just have to find the people beneath the dogma (hah! no pun intended, but there you go!

). The war is rumbling in the back of my brain...the Shiites and Sunnis, all faithful believers...struggling to see if they can get along. War there between groups who are different, wars in Africa between those who are different....
If it helps, my childhood experience tells me that RM is obediently following the dictates of her faith when she brings up walking the dog over and over. (Google full-gospel or WOF--Word of Faith Christianity and you'll get a fuller picture). So I figure the evangelism is RM being obedient to the spiritual rules she lives by. I'm not going to argue with anyone's faith unless they're trying to abuse me, and she's not. So what I do is listen for what I think of as the
Rest of RM...and she's shared a lot of other things that matter to her and to us. I just read the dog-walking and say to myself, uh-huh, I recall and I believe you, and then keep looking. Ofteny there is something else in there to which I can relate or respond.
Bean hon, in my book a bit unkind to make a dig about RM's husband, the father of her children. I am sure plenty of people here have partners that may not be wonderful, but we don't shame them for it.
It may seem odd that I am persistent in my protectiveness of RM. I know it seems so, since hers at times sounds like the most aggressive nature on here (there have been others before, just as intense). I just sense the person underneath bombast (plus, I've heard no bombast at all since she got back from her retreat but now it's bit as though she's being goaded). I think what's is going on in many people in such faiths is a fragility that rigid beliefs prop up. So I don't want to attack. There's someone home.
I also respect the good works that accompany many people's faith, whether I walk the dogma with them or not.
I think RM is drawn here because there is something she needs here. Like we all are.
Happy Monday all, I don't wanna go back to work...