I've always wondered why I never wanted to touch my parents. It just always felt so icky and unnatural. From around puberty on I remember I never wanted to touch or hug my dad because it felt so perverted. Neither of my parents were physically or emotionally affectionate that I can remember. I"m an only child (well, not really but those are skeletons for another thread I guess) and grew up very isolated and lonely. My mom wasn't from our region and she never felt like she fit in or was good enough--although she never said those words her actions said them. Therefore she really never had any friends and never had a social life at all which in turn meant I didn't either. It was like my mom hated people coming to our house (except for a very few people she didn't feel threatened by and they were strange in their own ways). Dad was very social and definitely enjoyed being with his friends far more than being with me or my mom.
As for mom's being jealous, my mom definitely began acting weird when I started dating. I kept getting these vibes from her that I was "dirty" and shameful, although I wasn't sexually active at all. My parents became super strict and I was never allowed to go anywhere or do anything. I was allowed to date, but had to be in very early and the guy couldn't come in the house usually. I remember being SHOCKED at some point in my teens when my mom came in the den (my boyfriend was there) with a housecoat on that was tied in such a way as to show LOTS of cleavage. I had never seen her show cleavage in my life (then again, she used to always change clothes with the bedroom window curtains wide open at night--there was lots of yard between us and the neighbors but still,,,,,,,,,,,, and besides that, I remember her telling me once that she and dad had found evidence of a peeping tom outside one of theirbedroom windows years earilier so why would she then not cover the bedroom window???????????? Well, I guess the answer is "exhibitionism" but that is just too gross to think about. My mom taught sunday school all my life and was at the church every time the doors open for crying out loud

) Sorry, I digressed there. Anyway, the bathrobe/cleavage incident happened more than once and with more than one of my boyfriends. And it's really sad and sick because she was all out of shape and not attractive at all.

Looking back, her actions and attitude toward me went really sour when I turned 16 and was allowed to date and I suppose maybe she was jealous---jealous that I was getting attention and jealous that her young days were over. I remember when my oldest daughter turned 16 and began bringing home cute, hunky guys I began to realize just how old I was becoming and wishing that I could be young again but I never did the cleavage thing, that's for sure!
Where was I going with this?? Oh yeah, touching. I guess I was so starved emotionally that I couldn't wait for the hugging and touching to begin--like most girls I fantasized about guys kissing me way before I was allowed to date. But as much as I yearned for physical touch, sex was, and still usually is, very unfulfilling

I had sex with guys because they wanted it and because it was something to do, but out of all the guys I've been with (not that many, really) only one really excited me. Needless to say, my lack of enthusiasm for sex has not helped my marriage

I'm working on it though. I'm trying really hard to connect with those feelings and to have desire for my husband.
I feel like I'm dumping all my life on y'all and I have nothing to give in return.