So glad you posted that you're exhausted and blue. Whew, who wouldn't be?
Good for you for saying so, you need a kick at all. You're entitled to how you feel.
I work 10+ hours a day and tonight I still need to do the washing up, sort out the clothes, tidy the front room, and do some ironing, and hoovering
Is it all your job, hon? Doesn't matter who works days or nights, sure sounds as though you're pulling more than your share...and if most statistics are true, most of the time, even the world's sweetest husbands tend to overlook a good portion of women's work in the home and with children. Doesn't make him bad, but it leaves you way more fatigued than you should have to be. Can you talk with him about it? You are so loving every time you speak of him, and he sounds like a good listener...
As to the "need to." Just a thought or two: my D did her own laundry from start to finish from age 10 and I know plenty of kids who've learned it all earlier. Got her separate hampers. (Two, one for "whites and lights", one for "darks and brights.") And never, ever, will I purchase one thing that needs ironing. Kids can run the vacuum, put things away, dust. Most chores can be done by or adapted for kids.
Do you have chore lists on the fridge for each child? Never too late to start.
Another thought: you didn't say this, but for what it's worth: I go cross-eyed when people mention husbands and/or children "helping" the mother. It's the whole family's job to make things go. Talking about it as "helping" the woman means it's all by definition the her responsibility alone... (sooo 50s!)
Sorry you're feeling so worn but it makes perfect sense and is a very uncrazy response to that much overwork and overscheduledness. Hope things get better quickly...hope you'll take time for yourself. Maybe hubby can take all the kids and go camping for a weekend?
hugs, cups a tea, and most of all.......peaceful hours in a clean soft bed to sleeeeep.......