Good Morning Everyone!
I wanted to get some info about cerebral/somatic Narcissism today, and, would ya believe it??? everywhere I looked, there was that name again...Sam Vaknin! I guess he sure has HIS supply of narcissistic attention, through everyone looking up what N'ism even IS! That makes me MAD! I HATE giving these dysfunctional people ANY attention to FEED INTO their illness! GRRRRRRRRR
However, I did manage to locate a clinical site that has some good, simplified info on it. I'm sharing it here: ol WIKIPEDIA to the rescue!
I just have to post this part from it though:
A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder is SPECIAL[2][3]:
S - Special, belief they are
P - Preoccupied with fantasies (of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love)
E - Entitlement feelings
C - Conceited (self-importance)
I - Interpersonal exploitation
A - Arrogant
L - Lacking empathy
Feeling good about having found a NON-VAKNIN WEBSITE ON NPD