Mud, I enjoyed that immensely, hugely, like a big fat piece of cake, no like a gourmet meal! Thank you.
On the patience thread, after your post back to me, I was considering leaving the board, well, not posting on it. It’s something I’ve considered many times and I’m too stubborn to do it. Interesting though? Bet you didn’t think that I would think that…or did you? Just thoughts, not really questions. A different view point?
Can I keep my big trap shut? Oooo maybe I’ll write this and delete.........
No!!! I refuse to feel fear! Your thread might benefit with another POV in my hugely inflated opinion. No pastrami in the fridge either, darn. Got some salt beef though? Not hungry right now.
perhaps for them the benefits of conflict are realYup, definitely. At least I’ve stopped swearing at other posters now. Where would I be now with all that rage and hurt still bottled up? Dead I reckon. Heart attack probably. Real benefit to me.
From one who might snap at a mudpuppy, but would not physically injure one or any other animal, happy to be,
Fool-ish turtle