Author Topic: Intention & the Universe  (Read 15790 times)


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2006, 07:09:39 AM »
(((((((Hops)))))))) & (((((((((((LoH)))))))))))

I hope you both find well deserving and rewarding jobs shortly...

Jona.... loved your post.....


H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2006, 07:30:15 AM »

I think many N's are very successful in business. The large corporation today doesn't have consideration of the human or humane factor.  It all comes down to the money.  Often the most successful people, and by successful I mean those making big money, got where they are with little thought as to how it might affect people.  Many come across as very charming people but on the inside is a hard, hollow core.

The boss that I was talking about was that way but she tried to manage by manipulation.  She almost destroyed that business.  She was fired a year later in the most deserving way.  Her replacement walked into her office and announced that she was fired and that it was now his office.  I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see the expression on her face.  I don't think he was successful either.  The business has been sold.


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2006, 08:00:50 AM »
Another good book on this subject is "Creating Money:  Keys to Abundance" by Sanaya Roman.  It is written with a New Age point of view which may put some off but the message is good.

Another excellent book is "Your Best Life Now, Seven Steps to Living at Your Full Potential" by Joel Osteen.  This one is written from the Christian point of view with many Bible quotes.  I think it is time for me to read this one again.


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2006, 08:09:35 AM »
I think one thing that can hold people back is the belief that money is evil.  Money isn't bad in itself.  It just is.  Money is used in both good and evil ways--it is the user that makes the difference.

Take a dollar bill out of your pocket, or a pound coin, and think about how many times that same unit of money has been earned and passed on in payment of goods and services.  No one really owns that bill or coin.  Even if it is put in the bank, that bill or coin is put back into circulation.  I guess you could bury it in the ground and then say you owned it.  But doing that stops the circulation doesn't it?


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2006, 02:09:41 PM »
Hi Portia,
My goal is to stay because I like it, it comforts me, and if it is going to be possible, I'd like very much to also pass it on one day to my daughter, as it was the only stable place of her childhood (I moved her around a bit and she went through my 2 divorces as well as her Dad's divorce and remarriage and death).

If it is not going to be possible ($$$), then yes, I would accept reality, sell it and buy something smaller, and become happy there. The odd thing is, smaller houses in this area cost only a bit less than this one's an insane real estate market here. The town has been several times declared among the "nicest small cities to live in in the US" by national publications, so it's overrun with wealthy yuppies and retirees, a few actors, etc. There is minimal affordable housing for working class or lower middleclass people, a serious local crisis.

NMom toyed with me for years about how I'd have to "buy out my brother's half" which is, trust me, impossible. (She ignored the market, the realities of local housing, because the power she held was more interesting to her. She manipulated me over it for a long time, and while I took constant care of her she also charged me rent for several years. I quit paying rent when a friend wrote me, "you twit, you're an au pair who's paying for the privilege!" Finally, I got mad and told her whatever she decided was fine but I needed her to stop toying with me about it. Eventually, she said to me after her 5th hospitalization and recovery at home with me emptying her chest drains, running up and down the stairs with trays--she had many urgent needs, such as "bring me the crossword"--and working 40-50 hours and my back in agony..."I believe after this that it is the right thing to leave you the house.")

So, NMom is leaving me the building, the piano and her engagement ring that was my Dad's mother's (that's all I want), and she's leaving my Nbrother all the contents, which is worth about 1/4 of her estate. Her will is on file. Brother comes to visit once or twice a year but has not taken care of her at all .... I took care of both of them, lived close for years while he was across the country, saw my Dad through his final illness, and have spent almost 8 years now with her. And dammit, it IS fair.)

There is a mortgage on it, so I will need to get a mortgage when she passes away. (But  my payments to stay here would be less than to buy elsewhere--if I sold and bought a different house straight out, I'd have nothing to retire on, since I woke up to that need too late.) That's pretty much it. There's also a section that would be easy to rent out to some nice person.

I'm not looking for alternative housing unless I have to, and I'm not at that place yet. I do know it's a possibility things will turn out that way, but for now, I have decided not to focus on that, because it distracts me from my focus and my goal. (And I don't want to relive all the stress and trauma that led up to this thank-god-now-peaceful resolution. I ain't pickin' at it no' mo'.)


Hop guest

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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #35 on: June 01, 2006, 02:23:26 PM »
Hi Jona,
Thanks for your post. That's a wonderful story...I'm so glad that worked out for you! Wonderful synchronicity with you and the principal...amazing.

Several people have advised me over the years to "let it go". I will if I must. But for now, it is not necessary. I still live there. And horrid as it is to infer...Mom is 95. This limbo won't last forever.

It's a sore point...some people in my life don't see that caring a lot about the house doesn't mean that I will cripple myself with grief if things don't work out. I won't.

In case anybody wonders why I don't move to a cheaper city it's because I have friends and deep roots here and don't want to move away. This is my community, and I really do love it. So whatever is going to work out for me will work out here. That sets limits on things but that's okay. At 56, I crave a simpler life anyway. I'll shed a lot of "stuff" and take joy in painting, etc....wherever I stay, whenever I know I am staying somewhere.

Okay, now I don't wanna talk about the house any more because I am busy setting my intention about the new wonderful job!!  :D This is about my positive intentions, not my fears.



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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2006, 04:04:21 PM »
HI HOPS AND IoH  , I am sure the jobs you wish for will be .It is so. Thats how MuM Scorpion process works.Love and intention .Hops
I will let you know how my love intention process is going.I have stopped beating myself up not from telling n dad off that would
give him comfort and thats not who I am .I do pity him and sent him a letter saying that I was sure he did not mean to confuse me
in regard to his estate whether or not not he loves me .I told him I know he loves me .And I am sure a part of him does.I HAVE been set free I am free .I feel like the real me I ALWAYS WAS underneath his ick IS NOW REAL.I wish him well .My gift ,OH I do like me I do think I AM NICE IS THAT OK TO SAY ? I really get to feel this way.My life is mine now .
PS He must be feeling conflicted .I do not care .May be he should feel bad.
Finally he can not hurt me ever again I WILL NOT PERMIT IT. A very kind but not self destructive Moon
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 07:25:39 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2006, 04:05:57 PM »
Hi Hops, I’m sorry for asking those questions and reading your reply, I think you worked so hard to answer me when you could have told me P, there are reasons I want to do this and this. Feels like I put you on the spot and also I bet you might have said all this already and I haven’t read it. Also mentioning your brother can’t have helped…bugger. Sorry I got you picking at sore spots.

Thinking about getting the universe to help you now. You said: I quit paying rent when a friend wrote me – I like the sound of this friend! Are you still in touch? She’s practical, might spark something around the job area, might spark positive thoughts, creativity?

I don’t think it’s horrid at all to think about death, it’s practical, especially at your mom’s age, truly.

Could you get remote work for an organisation not in your area? Try all the similar organisations in an ever-increasing radius, see if they want wordsmiths working via the ether? I’m thinking you have specific skills that must be in demand, it’s just locating who has the need (maybe more than one?). Daft idea, already done it? Come on universe, give Hops a break please :D


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2006, 04:13:16 PM »
   It is a prayer to the all that is the isness not in the asking but in total faith that it is so and so it is so
    your job HOPS
    your jop LoH
    and so it is



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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2006, 04:43:50 PM »
Bless ya, P, don't worry.
I think what I'm trying to do on this thread (just in my own posts--don't mind one bit for anybody else to go anywhere they like on a thread I start) stay focused on positives.

So just on this one, for now, I'm not so much needing advice or questions on practical specifics on the house or hunt...I want to just open up inside myself that whole notion of positive intention and the universe, and help myself to focus there.

(I noticed when I faced your questions about the house, I allowed myself to get quite anxious and defensive, and went iinto a long inner debate I'd rather let go of.) I let myself go there, though, P. I hadda choice!

So since I do have a long list of steps I know I can take on the job hunt, do you mind if I don't answer your specific questions about it? I know they're asked in a desire to help, though dearie. Thank you!

Here comes a BIG one (get ready, girl)...(((((((((((((((((((((((((Portia)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2006, 04:52:02 PM »
Moon, hon:

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :

YAY for YOU!

(Yeah, it's okay, silly...)


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2006, 05:58:11 PM »
Hi Hoppy:

Don't know if it's been mentioned but relaxing somewhere quiet, clearing your mind completely, breathing deeply and then picturing yourself.........AT.......your goal (which is having a decent paying job that you enjoy?) as much detail as you possibly can...
for a minimum of 20 min per day.... can really help one to get there.

Thinking positive thoughts..........."this will happen", ....etc, while doing this will reinforce the whole "vision".
And while in this relaxed state......seeing yourself doing what you want.....allow yourself to feel good, positive energy flowing all around you and in you, good feelings, white light, everything soothing and pleasant......helps create the "magic".

It reduces stress.   Is used to manage pain.
Helps to balance the mind -- thoughts/emotions.
Gets one focussed.
Has been called "magnetic" (good attracts/draws good)

Here's a link with some info.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2006, 08:25:35 PM by Sela »


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2006, 06:35:32 PM »
Hi Hops,

I apologize a million times over if someone's already tossed this out there, intention-wise. Hate posting in a rush, but:

Do you know anyone who's ever created a Positive Expectations Treasure Map?

This is a Feng Shui activity but I know a lot of people not gung-ho for Feng Shui (yes, this punny's for you, Hops) who swear by them. It's simple, and you've already done the hardest part, which is deciding on your goal(s), then visualizing and/or stating them to make them more real. To make a Treasure Map, you just find beautiful pictures, photos from brochures, magazines, and words that help you see your intention positively and concretely. You can use a bulletin board, make a poster, etc. The important part would be to hang it in a place of prominence and give it (and your intention) your focus and energy by looking at it daily. There's a great illustration of this in The Healthy House Book, by Gina Lazenby, among other places, which says, "Don't focus on how your goal will be achieved--just focus on what you want and let magical things start to happen."

I have a treasure map, right near my computer (I'm a writer, so spend much time here). And feel positive every time I look at it.

Also, this may be way out here (yes, I'm a hippie, thanks very much), BUT, whenever I'm going through something big, emotionally, or intent on focusing my energy, I harmonize/cleanse my house, burn sage, shift the energy, talk to the spirits, and can feel the difference. Once I got so wrapped up in this I set my slippers on fire and the smoke detectors went off, but that's another story...

Sorry to have to run, but gosh knows you have no end of info coming your way. Can hear you standing up for your own positivity here, a beautiful hint of steel in your voice, which is surely serving you well. Yay Hops!


PS - Thanks for the good thoughts, Moon and H&H; hugs to you.  :D
PSS edit in - just finished this & looked out my study window: enormous double rainbow; must've arisen from all the good intent.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2006, 06:44:16 PM by lightofheart »


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2006, 06:38:19 PM »
Thanks, Sela.
Good feelings just from reading that.
It reminds me of how I've felt when I've done hypnosis periodically with my T.
Very lovely, clear feeling to get in touch with my deep inner self that's...on my own side. I
have tapped into that space...just need to do it again.


Thanks again!
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2006, 07:33:51 PM »
LOL number 2!   :lol:

Setting the spirits right with the Burning Slippers Ceremony...  :lol: (gasp)

Whew. Okay, now I'll try to take it seriou....ooops!  :lol:

Ahh. Ahem. Now. Okay, lemme find my Feng Shwippers...  Oops,, sorry....  :lol:

LoH, thank you. (I actually love the notion of you wholeheartedly giving yourself to this...and I love the idea of the treasure map image. I can do that!)

PS--hope I didn't overdo the laughy faces so you'd feel mocked...was just having fun w/it! Goofy images sometimes really set me off...(((LoH))) I do appreciate the love and hopefulness of your ideas and I'm going to take that IN.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2006, 07:39:32 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."