Author Topic: Intention & the Universe  (Read 15788 times)

drifter's escape

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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2006, 03:13:50 PM »
Dear Mum,
You and several other people have now and then referred to your experience of setting your intention, and trusting that the universe will respond to your need. You mentioned it in the Selling Out thread when you were talking about your return to optimism after a period of negativity.

I struggle with having that trust, and wondered if you and others who do find a strong optimism is working for you, might want to explain more about how that came to be and how it works in your lives.

Is is meditation? Positive affirmations?

For example (this is my selfish reason for the thread)...I am quite worried about finding another good job, as so much depends on it. A good job, so I can keep our home. Do you believe that in addition to the work of a job search, that there are other personal practices that might help?

I would love to learn more about this from anyone who has found a deeply optimistic and positive way to look at worry...fear...uncertainty....change.

(And absolutely no offense, and deepest respect, to anyone who wants to share their faith in God from any tradition...but I don't need to read more about that just now. I'm looking for different language--may amount to the same thing in essence, I realize!) Thanks for understanding.


dear hopalong ..cassidy i presume :)

the intention i think that brings attunement and best response from the universe
is to consider the needs of others  before one's own.

and in the present human state a willingness to suffer for other's sake
as discerned by pms... prayer meditation and service...

such would be for now in a nutshell, the essence of said matter...
and an exploded nutshell version later maybe :)


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #76 on: July 06, 2006, 06:29:06 PM »
Thanks, Drifter.
I think that it's very difficult to find a balance between altruistic service and self-care.
There are so many parallel quandaries, and maybe they're hard for children of Ns.

Codependent vs. Narcissistic
Caring vs. Cold
Doormat vs. Brick Wall

I think early in my life I over-identified with the idea of sacrificing myself for others.
That led straight, Do Not Pass GO, to a lot of sacrificing myself in bad relationships.
(And perhaps even now, as I care for an elderly N. I didn't feel halfway good about it until
I stopped sacrificing my health and well-being for hers..)

So it's interesting that you raise the issue of sacrifice.
Maybe others will have thoughts about it too.

It's really a tough question. In the name of love, people can move mountains and endure anything for those they love. Then again, yielding to Narcissists stimulates more abuse.

(Oy, my head.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #77 on: July 06, 2006, 06:54:43 PM »
So it's interesting that you raise the issue of sacrifice.
Maybe others will have thoughts about it too.

My thoughts on this are that it is a matter of balance, mutuality, and reasonable back and forth in our relationships.  Even with Ns.  There is a place for saints and martyrs in this world.  But not in the home with our families and friends.  Not in the workplace either.

Hops, I think you are finding that balance and are definitely on the right path with how you are currently doing things.  It is beneficial to your mother on some level too, I believe.  It allows her to experience the growth that she is capable of.  I know you already know this   :) .  But it is an accomplishment, and I'm glad to say so  :D !

Great job (((Hops)))!

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #78 on: July 06, 2006, 09:27:23 PM »
Thanks, PP...I hope I can keep some balance as she gets more dependent. Right's a peaceful chapter.

Thanks for this too--a good guilt-reliever (it's so easy to set off that early guilt-training!)
There is a place for saints and martyrs in this world.  But not in the home with our families and friends.  Not in the workplace either

((((PP)))) thanks for your thoughtfulness.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #79 on: July 06, 2006, 09:39:35 PM »
You're welcome, Hopsy.  It's just what I really believe   :D !

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon

drifter's escape

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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #80 on: July 11, 2006, 06:48:36 PM »
Thanks, Drifter.
I think that it's very difficult to find a balance between altruistic service and self-care.
There are so many parallel quandaries, and maybe they're hard for children of Ns.

Codependent vs. Narcissistic
Caring vs. Cold
Doormat vs. Brick Wall

I think early in my life I over-identified with the idea of sacrificing myself for others.
That led straight, Do Not Pass GO, to a lot of sacrificing myself in bad relationships.
(And perhaps even now, as I care for an elderly N. I didn't feel halfway good about it until
I stopped sacrificing my health and well-being for hers..)

So it's interesting that you raise the issue of sacrifice.
Maybe others will have thoughts about it too.

It's really a tough question. In the name of love, people can move mountains and endure anything for those they love. Then again, yielding to Narcissists stimulates more abuse.

(Oy, my head.)


I think i refered to exploding the nutshell in my first post...
for starters, a way not to waste good intentions could be
discernment of needs like if another needs rebuked
before they should be forgiven and only if they repent
in some cases..........
yet still love the sinner but hate the sin for what it does to
others as well as to the sinner.....


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #81 on: July 11, 2006, 07:08:45 PM »
Hi Drifter ,Are good intentions ever wasted really.Is Love the best defense against any perceived "evil"?

Yes discernment is necessary to protect oneself from harm.

 I am not comfortable in a seat of judgment.In the Law Intent is everything did the sinner mean to sin or are there mitigating circumstances?

But only discernment to protect loved ones.As for forgiveness I have sinned and the only way I have found to truly detach from ndad is to forgive him .

I do not care much what he thinks of me."Hating sin" ouch,Hating anything does not help self or universe to heal neither does fear.

I hope I have understood the thread .Please let me know if I have not.


Moon   :D
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 02:01:35 AM by moonlight52 »

drifter's escape

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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #82 on: July 11, 2006, 07:17:52 PM »
perhaps you missed the implications of how i said to hate sin...
for what is does to others and the sinner.....

but not that sin and evil can cut one off totally from full redemption
tho some evil souls might spend a long time in hell...
as the greek word that is often translated eternally means
i think more properly for a long duration of a particular type...
and it servers i think a purpose of getting the sinner's attention
so as to pay better attention next time around....


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #83 on: July 11, 2006, 07:42:55 PM »
Hi Drifter ,

We are all responsible for our own soul ,life,feelings etc

I do not personally blame others for what is my shadow self nor do I wring my hands in worry .I try to  take a path of kindness .

We are human we live our life awake or not.And choose at some point to live with what we can or change it.Judgment  is not my job.

I only just got my life back with my Mr moon and 2 girls .We are finding our way .I want everyone in this beautiful world to find their way .

I will say of all my teachers my n dad taught me the most .I have learned how to Love and about forgiveness .Learned  the hard way.Lesson done.Lessons can also be learned by kindness and Love .

I must say after a lifelong of abuse and finally understanding this cycle of abuse .I have set myself  free.

I understand being stuck in the pain and sometimes I get stuck  and then I  recognize that place of pain and try to unhook.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 02:24:20 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #84 on: July 12, 2006, 09:17:09 AM »
Hi Moon,
Thanks for asking about the thread's intent. I was asking not about religion, sin, Christian scripture or theology....but trying to get a grip on a broader (maybe vaguer) kind of meaning.

I was recalling some wonderful posts by...Mum? and others....where I realized that some folks here are very comfortable with a kind of personal spiritual practice that involves trusting the universe and believing that positive intentions, in a mysterious way, attract positive outcomes. 

I wiould love to hear more examples of how that works for people ... what they say or do to encourage themselves, what this practice might look like or what actions/thoughts it might involve. (Wasn't looking for Christian or religious messages, but I'm always happy to hear from anybody/everybody!)

I've got just 2 1/2 months to go to land a job, so I think it's time for me to bear down in every area of my life. This is one where I know the board can help.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #85 on: July 12, 2006, 01:36:15 PM »
Hi Hops ,

 I feel all the cosmic wisdom around the Earth and I visualize this light shining down on our planet and I sort of see myself stepping into
 the light.

 I have reread thu this thread and it is so lovely to see where each person was at and where we helped one another .

 As mum as said leave as little room for fear and doubt as much room for gratitude and faith and wonder in the world, things come your way.
 as you so well deserve.And it is good to remember mankind is all one to tap into that oneness and light.

Love and Light,
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 02:26:50 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #86 on: July 12, 2006, 06:54:38 PM »

I so want to be able to explain the process of just trusting the universe to take care of how things work out in your life.  I came to this conclusion about how it works by looking at the events of my life, first of all during the past five or six years.  Then once I saw the pattern of how my small events and decisions fit into a bigger picture, mostly having to do with what I needed to learn, I began applying this thinking to earlier events in my life that had hurt me or seemed otherwise senseless.  I kind of filled in the reasons for myself based on what seemed most likely to be useful in my personal growth.

I know this is vague but there are far too many stories and details to relate in one post.  And plus, it is specific to my life.  Your stories would be unique to you.  So, I am suggesting looking at your life as something of a history of the "education" of Hopalong and her soul.  There will be patterns.  You might start with how worried you have been about your current employment situation and there was a deadline looming over you.  Then a reprieve came and the deadline was extended.  Some things in your life have resolved themselves during this time--I'm referring to the peace you gained from accepting your daughter's relationship with you as it currently is, and also how this visit with your brother has led to some progress as well.  There may be many other things you can look at in this way.  These are the couple of things that you shared here which seem to have a heightened meaning, there is a peacefulness that is coming through your posts, and so that is why I bring it up as a starting point.

When I started to see it in my life, there was a similar peacefulness and certainty about something special happening in our lives that gained my attention.  A heightened awareness that it was time for me to set aside my worry, stubbornness, fear, even any ideas I might have had about actions to take.  Instead, it was--just do what presents itself next, go through each door as it opens, learn from each encounter.  Follow my heart.

Once I saw that this was how life was working, it occurred to me that maybe it has always been working this way.  So, I looked at the past and did indeed find patterns where I was given opportunities to learn, survive, grow, etc.  I hadn't been able to see it at the time.  But I'm convinced that my life has always worked out in the best way for me to learn the most important things that I need to know.  I'm lucky.  So far, it seems that I'm meant to be a fairly healthy person who lives an average life with a loving family.  Employment has worked itself out, shelter has worked itself out, kids have grown up and seem to be doing things they have talent for.  It might have been possible for me to destroy all that with fear and worry.  Thankfully I came to my senses and saw life for what it is.

I don't want to go into too much detail about specific events from the time when I began to see how it works.  But it involved my son being hospitalized, getting kicked out of college, needing a place to live, etc.  In two days, we got him out of the hospital, got the bill paid for, got him back into school, got him a psychiatrist who we could afford, found him an apartment we could afford, with friends he could rely on, he didn't have to come back home with us, which he truly dreaded as he hates our hometown.  It was like watching things unfold.  Like it was a movie or something and not our real lives.  There were so many details that I couldn't have prepared for.  So many ways it could have gone badly wrong.  We didn't know what to do when the thing started.  We were completely up against a wall.  We really had no choice but to let the universe take over.  I remember so many times during the two days when I would be just sitting and the tears would just come.  Sitting in a chinese restaurant with our son and nothing could be said.  Just tears.  Sitting on a bench in the waiting room and not knowing what to do next.  Asking for help from someone who turned out not to be in our corner.  But that was good knowledge to have.  Letting his friends help us and it turned out they really knew best.  They were the ones who found the apartment.  All this happened when I was unemployed with no job prospects in sight.  I think in a similar situation my own parents would have said NO! to everything, no psychiatrist, no apartment, no school, because we can't afford it.  Instead we just sort of jumped off a cliff and held on tight.  And somehow made a soft landing.  In a matter of days we went from the depths of despair to seeing our son so happy that we trusted him and his friends and allowed him to do what he needed to do to live his life.

What is still hard sometimes is letting go of wanting a particular outcome.  Sometimes I don't even realize how invested I am in a particular outcome (usually wanting something to work out a certain way due to missed experiences in the past) until I'm depressed or crying or all tied up in knots about someone or something.  That is quite a challenge for me still.

But I don't think me still having that issue prevents me from believing what I believe and being able to see the forces at work in my life and keeping myself going in that direction which is the right direction for me.  There are some things currently that I'm going to have to let go of, and I'm disappointed about it, disappointed in myself.  But I hold out hope that the things I'm going to let go of may still be possible in the future and that maybe I can try again.  It seems obvious that I'm not ready right now anyway.  It's just that I'm so used to being disappointed in myself!!!  Soon, that habit will fall by the wayside and that will feel good.

I hope this is concrete enough to give you something to work with.  It's really just a matter of seeing.  And letting go and being carried along somewhat.  It is not inactive on your part.  But your actions might become different from the old habits.  It depends on what you end up seeing, I guess.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Intention & the Universe
« Reply #87 on: July 13, 2006, 09:15:15 AM »
Thanks very much, PennyP. This is very helpful...
I related so much to your anguished parent story, and am learning about the next part.
This one hit me where I have lived too long, a great flag to have:
It might have been possible for me to destroy all that with fear and worry.  Thankfully I came to my senses and saw life for what it is.

I relate to this too:
Sometimes I don't even realize how invested I am in a particular outcome (usually wanting something to work out a certain way due to missed experiences in the past) until I'm depressed or crying or all tied up in knots

You certainly did spot the most meaningful things in my life:
These are the couple of things that you shared here which seem to have a heightened meaning,

peacefulness....coming through [my] posts
comes and goes (sometimes it's real, other times I think it's just exhaustion, as someone mentioned on the sleep deprivation :)

But I do need to practice trust. I have a nagging voice that says, the Lord helps those who help themselves...but I think that's good nagging.

Thank you Penny. This helped a lot...just gave me a context to imagine what this kind of setting-intention-then-letting-go work feels like to another person.

I really appreciate this effortful answer.
