OK, here's a ridiculous story about my quest for self. A few days ago at a restaurant, I decided to try and think what I really wanted to eat and order that. I choose spaghetti. There. I did it. It felt like a big step because i did it so intentionally. Then I discovered that the spaghetti was really really bad, watery, tasteless. My toddler made a huge mess with it and wouldn't eat it. I was crushed. I just knew that I made the wrong choice. Choosing what I wanted was the wrong decision. The universe did not want me to have good spaghetti, because I did not deserve it! Is that nutty thinking or what?!? My husband and I laughed about my thought processes, but deep down inside, part of me believes it. I feel like I don't have a self because I don't deserve it.
Remind yourself that you deserve it, and you deserve to realize your true self.
Hi IamNewtoMe,
Oh, not so ridiculous to me!!! I understand this story completely because I play that particular tape in my head
all the time! And now I'm learning, that is the wrong tape. It does not have to be that way anymore. Well, it never did have to be that way. But I can go forward with it from now on. It will be replaced by "beaming" love into myself. If I can care about other people, I can care about myself. I deserve it, too.
You know, though, I think that when you have young children, it is really hard to remember who yourself is. Children need so much of you. And from you. If you went into motherhood not being real firm with who you are (I'm kind of wishy washy myself) then it is really easy, and almost simpler to just let yourself fade into the background for those years. Does your therapist have any suggestions for how to spend some time just being you? So you don't forget?
The feeling selfish aspect--that is a big one for me. Because I am beginning to see that if I really just do what I want, well I will do some really SELFISH things. I could just go a little crazy in that direction. Maybe it is a matter of degree?
I made a decision at work in the last couple of days. Without getting too detailed here--where I work, there is a rule that if temporary help is hired then the part-timers(me and the lazy person just below me) have to get 40 hours per week. But I know for sure that if I didn't make an issue of it then the three of us would be getting about 25 hours or so. And then the senior people would be on me for NOT complaining about it.
I decided I wanted the hours because it means more pay and it is a rule that makes sense to me. Temporary help should not be taking work from permanent employees. So, I talked to co-workers about it first to see if it was still a rule. Then I spoke to the senior supervisor and she understood what had to happen here. Then I talked to the supervisor who makes the schedule. She also understood. I offered to do various kinds of work and also I do work in other offices. It should all add up by the end of each week.
After I did all this, I felt--selfish. For one thing, I'm not advocating for the other part-timer. She is on her own with that one. And it may mean less hours for the temp. Mostly though, I think it felt selfish because it felt unfamiliar. I'm used to being a welcome mat.
But I am happy that I did it in a professional way. I've seen other co-workers raising chaos and swearing up a storm to get what they want. I just kept telling people the same thing and made sure they knew I'm willing to work where needed in order to do this. And it was well-within policy. But if I had kept quiet, they wouldn't have bothered to find the hours because it is challenging. Time off is nice too. But I just wanted to take this opportunity to try and get something that I was entitled to. It feels less and less weird all the time.
The one supervisor kind of had to stare at the schedule awhile to find the extra hours. I told her, I just have to do this, it is my way of learning to stand up for myself. She said she understands, and I know she does because she has similar issues. It does feel good to be understood. If I do this more often maybe it will begin to feel less weird.
P.S. Remember, IamNewtoMe, it was only one bad plate of spaghetti. The next one is sure to be saucy and cheesy and full of meatballs. Yummm!