My exnh was never mean, angry or bullying. In fact, quite the opposite. He was very afraid of confrontation, spent a lot of time being self-deprecating and was, I believe, a passive-aggressive personality in addition to being n. Where his n behaviors come in, are his compulsive lying (quite often to avoid confrontation or anger), lack of empathy (which really only became apparent when he decided he wanted to end the marriage), inability to be intimate, and addiction to pornography and masturbation. He hid all those behaviors behind a mask of being a really great guy, who is very funny, but always likes to be the center of attention.
Now that we have been apart for nearly 3 years, and I have moved on with my life and happy in a new relationship, he wants to be my friend. He acts like nothing happened between us that was extremely devastating to me at the time, and I should accept him back in my life as more than just the father of our children. The fact that he thinks that I could so easily put all that pain aside and welcome him back in my life with open arms I guess, is testament to his true lack of empathy. He truly doesn't get it.
I have no interest in being his friend or having him in my life as any more than the father of my children. In fact when I do have to be in his presence, I find him extremely annoying and childlike and wonder how I ever put up with it for 22 years and then was so devastated when it ended.
When he suggested last week that maybe he could sit with my b/f and I at our D's graduation (my b/f also had a son in that class) because our son wanted to sit with me and he would be all alone, I was stunned. First of all, our D did not want to see us sitting together--thought that would be very awkward and secondly, it would be just plain weird and uncomfortable. It was bad enough having to deal with the after-ceremony greetings between all the ex's, children, etc. Anyway, I ended up asking our son to sit with him so he wouldn't be alone since gee, I guess the still-married girlfriend wouldn't want to be making that kind of public appearance.

I guess my point is (if I even have one

), there are many different personality types among the world of n's. How we choose to deal with them, if we must, is so dependant on those personalities. Also recognizing the games they can play, lies they can tell and manipulation techniques they use, is also key to not being drawn into their web again.
Write, it sounds like you are using some very wise determining factors for moving forward. How someone treats the people who serve them, imo, is so reflective of how they treat their loved ones. Also, certainly, how they are with their children, pets, parents, etc., is also key. There's lots more to it, but that is a very good starting point.
Good job with your little D. The mother bear certainly showed up that day.