Hi Portia,
You're welcome. For what it's worth, I always read your posts, all of them. Re. what I wrote, and your question about interpretation:
Hi Portia,
I really valued what you've written about free choice/free will and not wanting to impose your world view on others. I see loads of saved emotional energy for me when I can remember my own vision is just a tiny glimpse of the world, and there are so many other ideas to consider. I'm glad you put out that reminder,
Yes, interpreting what you’ve said (please correct me if I’m wrong): I think Storm is a fantastic asset to the board. Storm provides the board with oodles of great information and interpretation. Thank you Storm for doing this. I like reading your stuff and find it helpful.
Thank you for asking, because that's not what I meant. I said what I did to you, Jac, and Storm directly, because I meant those words directly. I meant what I wrote to you as acknowledgment and a compliment about words from you that I found very helpful. What I had to say to Storm was said to her, not you. I'm sorry if writing all three of you in the same post confused the issue.
I said what I did Portia, trying to encourage you to voice your opinion. I think everybody's voice here is valuable.
You’re correct it’s “stirring things up” - but for me? Do I need to be strong to have an opinion? I don't think so. It’s continuing to stir up the unresolved situation between Storm and myself from the ‘Patience’ thread. Storm appears to be ignoring me and is trying now to get others here to ignore me. I don’t think that’s okay. Do you, or don't you see that happening here? I'm not asking for a reply, just posing the question, okay?
Of course, you're right; a person doesn't need to be strong to have an opinion. But, imho (which is all I've got) a person
does need to be strong to keep posting despite feeling persecuted and ignored, which you've said. If I felt that way, there's a pretty good chance I'd head for the hills rather than keep posting. I appreciate that about you, and meant it as a compliment, Portia. Really.
My interpretation of what's going on here, if that's your question, is that Storm is posting about recurring patterns she's seen here and that she didn't mention anyone by name for good reason. As to whether she's ignoring you, I wouldn't say that, because my guess would be that she reads your posts. My observation is that she is choosing not to engage. I have two thoughts about that. On one hand, I feel for you, because you seem hurt and I wish you weren't. On the other hand, Stormy was direct back on the Patience thread about her reluctance to 'speak' to you again and her reasons. (I haven't read any hint that she wants others to ignore you) So, speaking only for me, I'm puzzled as to why you keep addressing posts to someone who told you in a polite way, some time ago, that she was done talking, especially since you've voiced that feeling ignored is a trigger for you. Especially posts that question her sincerity and seem to make implications. From way over here, I see you feeding your own bad feeling, and I wince, because doesn't that hurt?
As far as what is and isn't okay goes, imho it's perfectly okay for anyone to stop talking to someone if they feel it's best for them. I think it's an important step in self-healing. For what it's worth, the reason I answered this post from you, Portia, and not your last is because now I get the sense that you're listening. We all have defenses, and one of mine is that I shut up when I don't feel heard.
Take good care,