Hi everyone, this is my first post though I have been reading many of the boards for a long time. On March 29, 2005 my NH walked out of our home and disappeared. Things had been tense for awhile at home (more than usual), the walking on eggshells had been going on for years. Of course everything was always my fault. I eventually tracked him down living at a local campground with OW. I was, and am, completely devastated.
This man was/is the love of my life. There was enough intermittent reinforcement to keep me hooked, and enough grain of truth in his blaming of me(I'm not perfect, obviously)for me to have taken it all on for a long time. I am a professional woman (a physician) and he had me full of self doubt and insecurity. Over the past 15 months I have been doing a mountain of reading about adultery, relationships, midlife crisis, verbal abuse, NPD etc. It has helped alot and I am much much better, but still in so much pain!!! I don't think my Nh is full blown NPD, but he does have strong narcissistic traits. I still love him with all of my heart, and feel that if I had been more aware of narcissism etc., that I wouldn't have taken so much of his behavior so personally and would have managed our relationship in a different way. I don't want to give up on my marriage. At this point I have not seen or spoken to my NH in over 3 months. It is as if I never existed. We were together for 12 years. He was absolutely wonderful at first, nursed me throuth breast cancer, we had a very passionate loving relationship. I have never thought about being with anyone else since I have been with him. The last 3 years or so, however, there was alot of arguing and hurt feelings (on my part). We made love about 5-6 times per year by then (always good, no deviancy there at all).
I am more confident now and know that it ALL was not MY fault, though I have my moments too. Of course I'm sure he can still push my buttons, but I don't even know because I have not seen him. Anyway, I know I am a good person, that I am loveable etc etc. My question is - will I be able to love that pasionately again? It was truly love at first sight and very special. I mean, are all "out of this world" passions like that always a result of narcissism and manipulation????? I want to have love like that again. I don't know if I am the type who can be satisfied with calm, cool and comfy, and I am really not a drama queen. I can't see myself married to my brother or even (just) a good friend, there has to be some "fire" to it. I hope somebody out there understands what I am asking? Thanks, nqw