thanks, H&H , I was getting to that...
I decided that the email exchange was getting out of hand, and knowing him, would go on forever....
So I simply wrote that I thought the "discussion" was not productive and acknowledged my part in it, but wouldn't respond to it anymore. I would only stick to the issue at hand (visitation).
I talked to my lawyer today, and she will write something with me to give to the judge/mediator. He asked for a statement from each of us (if we choose) that would be kept confidential from the other person. I am certain my ex will make some jabs at my character as a parent, but I know for a fact, that would I won't go there. My attorney will write part of it from a lega stand point and I will, of course, make a more emotional appeal, focused on the needs and rights of my teenage daughter to have a say in her life.
We actually agreed to allow the mediator to speak with my daughter...I don't know if he forgot that, but it is court ordered.
In the future, I won't get into anything like that with him. And if he pushes that stuff on me, I will consider it harrassment (although if I participate, it is not, and is fair game). I think that should do it.
I appreciate the much.