Welcome, Axa. You know those collars they put on dogs to stop them from leaving a property? I think they are called "invisible fences". Anyway, I know of a dog who has a calloused mark on his neck from "getting out". He probably figured the zap he got getting through the electical current was worth it. That dog could not be contained by the classical conditioning provided by the "invisible fence".
Can you stand the little singe spot on your neck? It will become a part of you, but it will make you stronger.
I don't know exactly what you are referring to, of course. But your question reminds me of one I asked when I finally stood up to my ex (oh and if you read here, you know I still have to) and told him I wanted a divorce.
I have some burn scars from it.....but I'm damn proud of them!
Share some more if you are up to it. People here have been through it all.