Hi Axa,
For me, I am sure, the key is the integration and claiming of my own shadow side. That nasty mean part of me that I have disowned and not allowed any room to see the light. Owning my anger seems to me to be part of letting that shadow move out of the darkness.
Sounds like you walking toward your whole centered self, like Jac said. A kind of soul- and heart-lightening strength, imho.
One of my big before and afters came when I finally quit seeing my hardest behavior struggles (flaws/weak links/shadows/worst traits) as bad things, or something
other, and understood they were just part of
me. No bigger or smaller than the things I like best about myself once I stopped giving them all that power over me. Suddenly, less self-blame, judgment, emotional brick walls. It was like passing through a pinhole into a whole other universe of living with myself. And by extension, with everyone else.
I'm no closer to perfect now, but am quicker to recognize emotions behind my behavior, accept and forgive myself, and move on. Even laugh at myself in the middle of a bout of irritation. Or let it flow through and out. Rather than let it snowball into the kind of emotional spirals I used to have, which always ended in self-recrimination. Head versus wall. As in,
I suck. I feel like a lousy person. Now I know another way, how it feels, and the warning signs. I still slip into self-nastiness once in a while, but it's a quick visit.
I had a thought yesterday that in some ways, and i write this begrugingly, that N has been my teacher. Without the events of the past while in this relationship I would not have allowed myself see through the games and my part in them. I wish I did not have to go through what I have gone through but it feels like the only way forward.
I think N can be a stellar teacher, as can folks who hurt us. Sometimes the most profoundly healing lessons arise from sheer pain.
I wish you bottomless luck for the scary part, Axa. Though I think you already have something stronger than luck: the power to keep knowing and loving yourself better. The cool part is, you already have that inside you, and every scary thing will feel a little smaller with this shift you keep making towards
you. Like you said, Thank God for the present, 'cause it's all we ever have.

Please take good care,