Author Topic: Worth  (Read 1684 times)


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« on: July 06, 2006, 11:05:38 AM »
I read this today on "" and thought it was very well put. I found this issue to be at the core of my choices.
Hope someone finds it useful.

Though much of who and what we are changes as we journey through life, our inherent worth remains constant. While the term self-worth is often used interchangeably with self-esteem, the two qualities are inherently different. Self-esteem is the measure of how you feel about yourself at a given moment in time. Your worth, however, is not a product of your intelligence, your talent, your looks, your good works, or how much you have accomplished. Rather it is immeasurable and unchanging manifestation of your eternal and infinite oneness with the universe. It represents the cornerstone of the dual foundations of optimism and self-belief. Your worth cannot be taken from you or damaged by life's rigors, yet it can easily be forgotten or even actively ignored. By regularly acknowledging your self-worth, you can ensure that you never forget what an important, beloved, and special part of the universe you are.

You are born worthy-your worth is intertwined with your very being. Your concept of your own self-worth is thus reinforced by your actions. Each time you endeavor to appreciate yourself, treat yourself kindly, define your personal boundaries, be proactive in seeing that your needs are met, and broaden your horizons, you express your recognition of your innate value. During those periods when you have lost sight of your worth, you will likely feel mired in depression, insecurity, and a lack of confidence. You'll pursue a counterfeit worth based on judgment rather than the beauty that resides within. When you feel worthy, however, you will accept yourself without hesitation. It is your worth as an individual who is simultaneously interconnected with all living beings that allows you to be happy, confident, and motivated. Because your conception of your worth is not based on the fulfillment of expectations, you'll see your mistakes and failures as just another part of life's jo! urney.

Human beings are very much like drops of water in an endless ocean. Our worth comes from our role as distinct individuals as well as our role as an integral part of something larger than ourselves. Simply awakening to this concept can help you rediscover the copious and awe-inspiring worth within each and every one of us.


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Re: Worth
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2006, 04:16:17 PM »
This is very nice, mum.  Worth...  So many of us sell ourselves short.  We accept far less than what we are worthy of.

I got to see an old friend in my travels.  She has never married or had children.  I have never understood this because she is so gregarious, bubbly, smart, and fun.  She longs for more, but inevitably ends up getting burned and/or shortchanged in relationships, whether they are romantic or platonic or familial..

We got to talk a lot about accepting "too little" - how when we do this we send ourselves and the rest of the world very clear messages that we are not worthy of more.  Somehow we convince ourselves that we should feel lucky to get what chewed up scraps we got.  We do not dare to ask for more. 

This idea of worth - that we all have equal worth - makes accepting "too little" seem ridiculous.  Why would someone who has equal worth deserve more?  I like this.  Thanks for a thought provoking idea...

Change the way you see the world and you will change the world.


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Re: Worth
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2006, 11:27:06 PM »
hiya mum,

that's a very good reminder for me - that we are all created equally, with worth, thank you mum.

When we dare to believe this, that is when we really start to live, I believe.




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Re: Worth
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2006, 01:28:52 PM »
HI penelope ,ANS ,and mum, 

Self worth that must be the kind from the inside .

We can sit and stop thinking and what is behind that our spirit .

Just as mum says nothing can change the beauty of that,"your worth can not be taken from you".

Thank you mum.
