Jackie, hi.
Sorry you're having such an upsetting time.
Please go back to the thread you started before. Read all of it. Consider the questions, observations.
Here's a new question if you need one: Why are YOU enjoying....staying in....this drama?
He is still playing the same game.
Taking a call, having a lunch...the issue is EXACTLY THE SAME and the details don't change it.
But the true problem is, you are playing the same game too. You've upped the ante. You have increased your investment in it. You haven't stepped back. You're escalating the drama and the potential to both be outraged and then to feel hurt and victimized. I'm not judging you (I majored in this behavior into my 50s).
My honest opinion is that you are not going to get any clarity until, you seriously deal with all the thoughts and questions that were offered in the previous thread. (Not because you found them here, but because from all my reading and therapy I truly believe they are true and helpful.)
It's the same pattern, just a little variation. She's still around, he's still connected to her and toying with you. You can't do one thing about this man's character.
You're still sleeping with him and fantasizing. You can do something to change that if you want to. You might need help, therapy, books, etc. Those are choices too.
What do YOU think? I believe you can think.
It's hard, but I feel your outrage and anger may be addictive and feeding some need in you that might be better met by throwing your heart and mind into healing yourself and finding your creativity. Finding out about that would be really valuable for your life, I believe. (And I believe you can do it.)
I'm preaching to myself, here. I waste a lot of my precious life force on the wrong things. Easy to spot in others, but I do understand how challenging it is to change mental patterns, particularly about romance.
Hope something shifts soon, and hope you'll let us know about it...