Hiya Adrift:
Wow! There are so many wonderful insights here!
I'm gonna start a journal to explore my anger, but my thoughts right now are that "anger" is my default setting.
Good for you for both recognizing a need for change and thinking of a possible way to help yourself!! Fantastic!! You will get past this!! Keep going!!
One thing I was thinking is about this very intense statement:
I want others to hurt because no one helped me all the years I was a kid and lived with emotionally and physcially abusive parents.
First, is this really what you "want"? Or do you feel some very weird compulsion to be hurtful towards others, which is really not what you want? I think there is an important difference to take note of and it sounds to me like you don't "want" to behave this way but rather, that you behave this way, against your own wishes, and would like to change?
You, the person, Adrift, and especially, the child, little Adrift.......suffers/suffered immensely, it sounds like, big time. No one helped. It went on for years.
I am truly so sorry for all you've been through Adrift. I wish you could feel warm and safe inside that cyber hug and that it were possible to cure your hurt with such a simple gesture. I feel sad to think of you going through so much pain. It must have been horrible (and the effects still are, I bet).
Do you think you have fully grieved your lost childhood (the happy childhood you should have had)?
Have you grieved the well rounded, happy, adult you should have developed into, after that happy childhood?
Growing up in an abusive environment deprives us of these eh?.......abuse causes loss.

And loss needs to be grieved. There is no way around it. When we experience loss, if we don't grieve, we suffer additional pain, I think, or at least, pain from the past haunts us....maybe even multiplies?
The stages of the grieving process, which can occur in any order and stages can be repeated or skipped, but usually occur in this order, are:
shock, denial, anger, despair/depression, sometimes bargaining, and finally acceptance/resolution.
Is it possible you are just stuck in the stage of anger? (you say anger is a wall you put up to avoid feeling other stuff but what makes me question is the word in your title of this thread: "habit").
You've been angry for so long that it feels "normal" and almost but not quite comfortable, maybe? You're used to anger eh? No wonder it's your default mode.
when I let myself feel something other than anger, what I feel is sadness, loneliness, fear, and lots of regrets. Those feelings hurt worse than the anger, so I default back to anger.
And the worst......
what about.....shame?
Do you feel shame for acting/speaking in hurtful ways? Then angry with yourself for such words/behaviour?
Are you contributing to your own.....habit.....stuckness???

What happened to you as a child (which I'm sorry, I don't know your story but I assume it wasn't very nice and therefore should not happen to any child!) was sick, cruel, mean, nasty, horrible, disgusting, wicked, probably terrifying, certainly illegal and most likely dangerous. It makes me feel very angry to think about it!! Your anger is justified!! It really is!!
However.......it sounds like you're tired of being angry.
I know that feeling of being tired of a certain state of feeling/stage of grieving.
It's time to move on? I'm so glad to see you posting and trying to find a way to do that!! That's wonderful!!
You may have gone from anger to briefly other stages of the process and maybe you haven't fully finished with other stages or maybe you will simply skip certain stages of grieving?
You can choose to move away from your anger and if it truly is a habit.....then treat it like a habit.
Decide to go cold turkey or ease away slowly from this drug.
(Isn't it like a drug.....that keeps you in one place? Doesn't it mask all the other real feelings and doesn't it keep you from experiencing what real life is like?)
Do you have a good support system? Are there others helping you? Very important stuff when trying to kick a habit.
Do you feel like you just have a massive package of anger stored up that needs to come out?
Do you need to learn healthy ways to release your anger?
Are there books that could help you understand your situation better?
Whatever the case......keep talking.....searching for help.....working toward change. You will get what you want if you keep to this path. Betcha!!
