I do know that the Black culture often tends to be rather violent and intolerant with their children for some reason, from my experience.
I think it is appalling that this statement is not seen as offensive, while my use of a figure of speech is heard as offensive. In case there is someone who does not know it, 'pearls before swine' is a saying that I did not make up, which means that sharing information with someone who is unable or unwilling to receive it is a waste of time. I was not calling anyone a swine.
Nor have I called anyone a racist. I do not think it valid to label anyone that way. However, racist behaviour and comments do exist, and anyone is capable of making this sort of error. Having an act of yours identified as racist is not the kiss of death. It could be a learning opportunity.
I was hoping with my questons to ReallyMe that she take another look at what she had written and perhaps say, you know I don't really believe that. Instead, she bolstered her opinion and stood behind it. That was really disappointing. ReallyMe, I hope you will reconsider this stance, mainly in light of how sweeping it is. That alone is what racism consists of to me - making generalisations on the basis of race along with our limited personal experience. It is very tempting to do.
Since you have a close friend who is African American, how about you run that statement by her and see how she feels? At the same time, have you expressed your opinion to her about her own childraising skills? As a friend, you are in a position to make a difference, if anyone is. Better that , than to keep this hidden in your thoughts when you could be doing some good.
It sounds as if you plan to work with children. When you encounter a black child, since you 'know' he is likely to be mistreated by his parents, how would you behave in that situation?
Let's not turn this into a sniping match. Sugarre has the right to comment on anything and anyone. I have the right to say that the deafening silence, given the alacrity with which the vast majority of posts are jumped on and responded, gave me the impression that no one cares about the topic. I understand that for some it was too hot a topic - but isn't that the case for anything that is said up here? Normally there is a group capable of a response. This time, that group did not exist. And it is still difficult to see why.