Hi Penelope
Hmmmm.... I don't think it would have worked on my old boss. He was one of these that liked to shout people down in front of everyone, stole other peoples ideas etc, you probably know the type.
If I'd said this to him, he would have said what a load of mumbo, and not made any difference.
Speaking of him though, my BIL handed his notice in and left last week... he hasn't been paid for his last week of work, or his holiday pay which was outstanding. This boss said he was in breach of contract for not handing in a full month's notice from a contract he signed in 1993. He went to see him yesterday, and pointed out that the company are in breach for this, this, this and this... apparently he was left there opened mouthed. He really does think his employees or ex employees are thick and will just take what he dishes out. You wouldn't believe the amount of chaos and office politics one man can cause!
Take care
Love H&H xx