I didn't dismiss you. I rejected your view of this situation, just as I now reject your assessment of me.
I have been revealing myself on this board for some time, and I don't believe it's accurate or reasonable to reduce me to the sum total of this current conflict.
I never said that I was doing anything " in the name of 'hard love' ". Don't put words into my mouth, Sela.
I've said quite openly that I have trouble with conflict and that my goal is to learn how to stop being overcome by fear of this sort of verbal exchange. I've also said quite openly that I'm aware of my own inclination to assume/presume. I don't want to overcome just enough of my fear of conflict that I'm left with resorting to sniping, sarcasm, subtle insinuations, behind-the-scenes gossip, or any other forms of passive aggressive behavior. My goal is complete resolution so that I can be assertive and not aggressive. I realize that I have not yet met that goal, Sela, but I am trying.
I've pursued this exchange with you here on this thread in an effort to learn how to communicate more effectively instead of shutting down and closing off myself. I now believe that it was a mistake for me to continue discussions with you. I believe that I should have stopped that early on and specifically invited Portia to have a direct exchange, at her discretion. I wasn't at the point of even being able to consider that initially. This is all a new learning process for me and it's not a comfortable position to be in... opening myself up to all sorts of misunderstandings. But Sela, I didn't initiate this post in order to judge, rant, or patronize. I'm getting the feeling that's what you want to do to me, and at me. That's not a judgment of you, a pronouncement upon you, or exhibition of any special powers I think I have to see inside peoples' brains, Sela. It's my feeling. Because of that feeling, and because you don't seem to hear me, but rather I find you putting words into my mouth, it looks like we've reached the end of our ability to communicate.
Portia, I don't know what you think. I don't know whether you see what I've said here as being "mean". I'd like to know. If you are interested in trying to come to some further understanding of what we might both be able to learn from this, I'd like to engage in that. I'm not trying to tell you that you need to learn anything, but I know that I do! I won't be able to respond further till this evening though. Will be away from the computer for the next 8 hours or so. Thanks.