At last I found a few minutes to concentrate so I could read your lovely sermon. There is so much that it is hard to choose just a few things to talk about. Having lived in other countries, it does seem funny to me that we go through our day telling everyone we are fine as the mascara runs down our faces from crying, or our limbs are about to drop off from a terrible accident.
Also, I read an article in Nat'l Geographic once about the Italian families in Boston and it reminded me of what you said about the Mexican families... and about my own Mexican MIL who has no trouble showing emotion. With her, I have learned to express some emotions. I was amazed when she started telling me she loved me after conversations... while my Nmother says it sometimes, my darling MIL really means it. And she loves me no matter what I look like or how my hair has been cut or whether I have a good job...
And I loved it in Italy that you could go to the beach and people didn't spend time looking over your body and judging you... it feel we do that so much... (this is moving away from your topic...).
I know lonliness right now and it is hard. I have all I need... my lonliness is for my husband and it has come to me hand-in-hand with fear. I am afraid he will know how much I love him and then change his mind about me. Until this time (it's been 15 years) I have accepted him as my best friend and partner, but not as someone I truly need/want in my life.
So, hopsy, maybe like you said, lonliness is good???? Even if it's not solitude??? I am losing my mind-track now... it seems I had a thought and it slipped away.
Again, thatnks for a lovely post.
Love, Beth