You had the room, lights, atmosphere and audience EXACTLY right.

(Just not me. Not an obscenity in my routine. It was completelly clean
and all pantomime...but it was --cover your ears, people-- a slapstick
routine ... only suggested, I promise, nothing crude about it at ALL ...
about a young girl being rather dumfounded by the directions on a
box of
[Edit: I feel compelled to was the euphemistic way they are
written and also the chart that looks line the diagram of "beef cuts"
at a butcher's shop! The best line was "relax all your muscles". I was
standing on one foot trying to balance with one foot in the air and
went limp as spaghetti while clutching the box in one hand and
shoving my glasses back up my nose with the other and trying
to read the tiny-print directions at the same time. That was the biggest laugh.
I didn't touched anything anatomical at all, it was all just kind of vaguely waving the props
around in the air. Part of what struck people funny was that this was back in my
first time when I had my white hair grown out...I think it just seemed absurd.]
They laughed some...but they were a very tough urban audience.
One woman pulled me over after and said baby, you're funny, but
you've got to spice it up some. Then offered some helpful vocabulary.
(You hadda be there, but you should probably be grateful you weren't!)
I have retired from standup.
It was a... you know, like people who have those wonderful life lists?
I think it was like that.
I'm shameless.