Hiya H&H:
It's always a good thing to ponder, I think, no matter what day it is. Pondering helps us grow eh?
So ponder away, H&H and thanks for sharing.
I wonder what life would be like without conflict? If everyone thought the same things and behaved in acceptable ways toward eachother, I guess that would be some world eh? Heavenly I think!
How one perceives and deals with conflict determines the outcome.
That makes a lot of sense to me. I see it as a sort of ....crying out of voices. It's a point where those voices are hard to contain and so they break free and cry out colliding with eachother. Kind of like fire works but not usually all that pretty.
Why do some people get involved in more conflict than others? Possibly they just believe confronting people/ideas might cause beneficial change? I think I speak out in hopes of positive change and I think every single person here, who has been involved in recent conflicts, has probably had that intention too.
Maybe some people enjoy conflict? (and I'm not suggesting anyone here ....just in the world in general). I don't enjoy it. I find it very draining and scary (draining because of the energy it uses up and scary because it usually means there is a risk of things getting worse, not better...which is not what I want). Still, it's necessary for voices to cry out, I think. Sometimes I wonder exactly who/what those voices are really crying out at??
It's the voices that cried out in the past that have made big changes in the world....crying out against everything from slavery to smoking in public. Without those voices our world would be quite different. Some really good changes have come about as a result. Here, on this board, the changes might not be as earth shattering but still, important, imo.
When conflict happens, whether between a couple of people or between large groups, and it ends in more silence, a sort of psychological fissure forms, I think, that stays open and painful. There is more chance of healing when communication continues, imo. It seems to be something that happens, sometimes, here on this board. Maybe that's something that has happened.....something witnessed/learned......from past experiences? That makes me wonder about all those open wounds and how they might still be hurting, or are they scarred over?
That's what happened in my FOO. Conflicts were hardly ever resolved. There was just a big blow out and then........silence.......until the next big blow. Maybe that's why I hope so much for that not to happen here? I think there is always a chance for resolution but all parties must have the desire for it. It can happen and has happened here before.
Why should we accept this as normal?
Can we change nature? We don't all have the same thoughts and ideas and we are not perfect. Therefore, we are incapable of behaving in acceptable ways toward eachother, alllllllllll of the time and sometimes, our thoughts and ideas will clash. There will always be conflict here and in the world. I don't think this is something we can change in general. Maybe we can? I just don't know how? Isn't it a human condition that we all are different and doesn't that make it mathematically impossible for complete harmony?
Still, I think there is hope for less conflict and more resolution of conflict, if we are willing to try to understand our differences and interested in cooperating. But it won't happen if all effort ends.
PS on edit: Thinking some more. When is it clear that all effort ends? That's not easy to spell out.
In the world sometimes war happens but then talks start up again and there are cease fires, and negotiation can interupt the war that seemed unendable, and sometimes....peace agreements are made and so on.
Here, on this board, it's no different. The scale is just smaller (in that there are not the same numbers invovled as there are in huge world wars). Even when people leave the board, sometimes they come back and talk later and things can work out. And people can and do choose to make another effort, so that is a good thing.