My friend R called me Saturday, sounding very weak. I was so happy to hear her voice...I had thought we'd never talk again. She asked me to come out Sunday, picking up some of her pain Rx on the way.
I drove out and she wasn't there...but several of her family's cars were. I thought, she's had a little burst of energy, maybe they've taken her for a little drive so she can see the moutain views she's loved and painted all her life. I walked in her garden, there were butterflies everywhere, looked at the amazing things she's planted and tended, looked at the great field and mountain. Came inside and just sat, looking at her paintings, a wall of cards and drawings sent her by so many many friends. Brreathed in the serenity and beauty, patted her sweet dog.
Finally checked my home messages and her BIL had called. Her bowel ruptured Saturday night, she's in the hospital. She will be dying very soon. Her family, her father, her sister, BIL, niece, nephew and her many friends, are gathering. There's some hope if they can adjust her pain medicine that she could go home to die, but I don't know yet.
The vigil will be over soon, as will her pain.
I just wanted to testify to the remarkable life (beginning in Japan, where she was the child of missionaries, and learned to paint from an old Japanese man, moving home to the states at 18) of a dear woman. She has an amazing ability to be present and create safety for those who are around her.
Thanks for listening,