Author Topic: Regarding the board.....  (Read 3182 times)


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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2006, 02:41:46 PM »
Hi H&H,
You are so thoughtful.

You too, Sela.

I like what you've both said. Sela, makes me sad about your family: first real glimpse.

One thought about what alerts me here (though I don't alwys think it in time). Two signs tell me we might be about to veer off the respectful and caring tone I think almost everybody almost always uses:
--sarcasm, &/or
--a "slap 'n run"

If someone wants to deal with hurt, anger, or a disagreement in a good way, I think they:
--avoid sarcasm
--explain why something hurts them or angers them, trying to keep it in front of them as a "challenging topic" rather than "bad person"

I don't know how to compare degrees of conflict, here vs. other places. But when it's really stirring here, sometimes I think it's really a function of what remarkable connections we've made and how intimate our disclosures and sharing are. So maybe there is a little FOO reenacting or intensity at times.

I think this is a healthy community, though. An imperfect but very conscious, conscientious place.
I'm really glad to be here.



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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2006, 03:19:47 PM »
I agree H&H,

Great thread, and thanks for starting it!   :)

I am feeling quite conflicted myself because I'm supposed to be working on a report (dragging feet big time!)  and it is likely going to spill into my weekend if I don't get started! 

However, just wanted to pop in, peruse the threads and am really enjoying reading this one on my break.

It does make me feel better for some reason, when people admit Conflict Happens and it aint all bad...  lessens my guilt, or shame..or something I guess.  Maybe in my FOO I took on the role of troublemaker and it wasn't a glamerous one, who knows.

hugs to all,

Certain Hope

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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2006, 03:40:37 PM »
H & H,

  Yes, I do think that the "drama queen" personality is one example of someone who evidences an addiction to conflict. I've encountered this dynamic on occasion with a couple of my teenaged daughters' friends. After hearing weekly, often daily, about the latest "episodes" in one of these girls' lives (many times, stuff that was completely false), it soon became apparent to my kids that all of this soap operatic stuff wasn't their cup of tea. They noticed that it seemed... if there wasn't enough actual conflict going on around these kids, they'd stir something up out of thin air ... whether just to gain attention or simply because it was the only stimulation to which they could respond, I don't know. But one young girl we actually did seem to help. When she was visiting at our home once, a call received on her cell phone quickly began to escalate into another one of these fullscale conflagrations... I mean, I watched her get herself all worked up about virtually nothing, like some method actor... and I don't know why it came to me then, but I just quietly asked her, "Brittney, do you journal?"  Well, I guess I interrupted her timing, because her mouth dropped open and she said, "Well, uhhh... I do write some poetry."  We talked for a bit and I told her I just had a hunch she'd have a flare for writing & I'd love to see some of her poems, if she didn't mind sharing... and by the end of that convo, she was beaming, forgot all about the phone call,  and from then on, she'd send some of her poems home from school with my daughter from time to time. My daughter says she simmered down alot after that and even made the honor roll her next semester at school. So I can see that sometimes it is a matter of offering some individualized attention to turn the tide.
   On the other hand, I've met some folks who are just vacuums for attention and can't ever seem to get enough. Not even thinking of the N's I've known, but just plain old-fashioned bossy people who seem to feel a need to dominate and prevail in every exchange. I don't know whether that's because they feel threatened by anyone who might potentially surpass them in popularity or in the esteem of others or what, but it can sure be a miserable position to be in... smack in between an inflated ego and a wall. Once while serving on a Sunday School board, a woman who wanted to be chosen as superintendent spread lies about two of us who were long-time friends and co-teachers of a class. Our class had doubled in size and recently sung at a special church function and some of the people involved had sent cards/small gifts as tokens of their appreciation. Next thing we knew, parents of some of the children in our class were being told that we'd made nasty remarks about some of their kids... absolutely untrue. You can guess the source of all that. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?  The thing was, there was no scorn involved... only her envy. We got that mess unraveled, but a similar thing happened later to another person in the church... a youth director. Some things never change.
   I think that we do risk conflict any time we express a differing view, but that we don't need to look at differences as a throwing down of the gauntlet. And besides, if a gauntlet is thrown down, there's no rule sayin it has to be picked back up again. Also, I don't like to get involved in other folks' disputes either, H&H. In my own little ventures into busybody-dom, I've seen that I often wind up being the target of the resentment of both of the primary participants. Tried to counsel married friends once.... oooo.... no way, never again. I'll stay on my own side of the double line from now on! Thanks again for the opportunity for some fresh Friday thinkin, H&H.  Happy weekend!  8)



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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2006, 07:04:49 PM »
Hope, this is so wise:

And besides, if a gauntlet is thrown down, there's no rule sayin it has to be picked back up again.

Thank you.

I do think this too (just refuse to give up on people...look what Warren Buffet just did!):

I would like to think that some people out there do get high powered jobs to change things

Many thanks, H & H & H from H... :lol:

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2006, 08:08:36 PM »
(((((((Hops))))))).... hard-earned but learned, that little tidbit.

Happy Weekend with love,


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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2006, 09:32:53 PM »
hey jac,

People in pain can hurt - but it's also been my experience that people in pain can be a tremendous healing force for one another (I've seen it on this board in fact!)   :wink:

Something got you down lately?  You seem sort of - depressed.

I know what it's like to wear depression goggles, I wore them for many many years.  It's when you can only see a negative outcome, and you can't find room for the flip side of the coin.  There are lots of interpretations to events, in other words.  They don't all have to be gloomy.

People here don't create others' feelings.  The person who feels something creates the feeling within themselves - often due to a past experience.  So if the intention of people is good (which I think it is here for the most part), you can't fault a person if they accidentally cause pain of another.

Also, how can you be so sure that people are causing others pain?  If they say so, that's one thing.  But I don't often hear people say: "that hurt."  And typically when I've said it, you've ignored me.  eh?

So I don't think it's fair assuming we're all hurting others here.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 09:36:38 PM by penelope »


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Re: Regarding the board.....
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2006, 07:59:08 AM »
Yep.  I agree.  It's a woman-thing too for sure.