Happy New Year to one and All,
I am feeling quite miserable today and feel like venting.
I am thinking of going to see a counsellor again. This time a male counsellor... I don't want to go back to the old one.
The thing is that I want to be at peace with myself.
I am never satisfied with who I am. I really don't like my self. I am spending too much time alone and i don't like it.
It's what I want at the time, but then it gets to a point where I feel like such a loser. I crave a life full of friends and people I can be close to... and it's not happening, in fact I am not building a future like that... I am isolating myself and I hate it. I don't have a problem making friends at all. I could have a life full of friends if I wanted to, believe me.
...But I can't handle friendships either, when they get too close, there are a lot of anxieties and insecurities that make me feel like running for cover away from everyone again and I need time away from people again. I can't handle people. They wreck my head!
How come people find it easy to be around others? I want that so much... but I only want it when I don't have it, when i am feeling social and have a lot of friends, I feel engulfed.
I feel like I am trapped...
For as long as I remember, I have always isolated myself like this. I will slowly withdraw from people so much so that my phone doesn't ring anymore. Then I feel so lonely and insignificant. I feel like the whole world is out there having a life and I am left behind. I can't take it anymore. Right now, I am finding my exN very tempting. Why?
My main concern is that I will end up in another destructive relationship, I fear this will happen as I find those dynamics very enticing, even still after all I have been through.
I am so worried I will never find love also! I am doomed to a life of isolation...