Author Topic: For any who know or want to re-know what a Narcissist is:  (Read 1463 times)


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For any who know or want to re-know what a Narcissist is:
« on: August 09, 2006, 03:08:46 AM »
Hi All...the lady I've been mentoring for a long while now, taped an interview with a Christian Therapist named Glenda Mosey, regarding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and a book called "Help! I'm married to a Narcissist."  I was so impressed with the interview that I gathered some notes to share from it with you all:

Narcissists start out in a relationship, behavior warmly, friendly, charming in order to get you interested.

Eventually, you begin to sense and feel that you are pouring all you are into the relationship, yet getting so little back.

Narcissists try to  protect themselves so that, if you try to be on an
equal level with them or criticize them, they will turn
on you.

Narcissists, as children, usually suffered some form of abuse, neglect, or constant criticism.

Not affirmed, not feel safe, lack ability to be whole. 

The N does not ever feel safe inside herself.  She is like a teenager who is all about ME ME ME.  This never stopped since childhood.

 With N's there is a need for protection of an injured self.  They tend to soak up all attention for
themselves to SOOTHE that wounded inner-self.

They talk about themselves and their issues a LOT!

 They talk about the famous people

  yes I have seen this

they know

I am special and I need the best

self-pity when they do not get what they feel they

deserve...tell stories of how they were wronged a lot. 

Trail of really bad relationships and job experiences

that were always someone else's fault.  (they should

have listened to me, if only they would have done


Narcissists are trying to feel better about themselves.
BPD is a cross between sanity and


the N is wanting admiration, knows how to get it,

gives you care, eventually withdraws that care when

they stop getting what they want from you.

N's pray what they want for THEMSELVES, when they

pray for YOU. Their prayers are all about how the

illness disrupts their life.

N's feel they are sooooooooooo important and

sooooooo right and when others do not agree with

them, they can become very abusive emotionally or

even physically.  They will take you down emotionally

and verbally.

depression very common, dysthymic (low level), can

still function in daily living, good times are not typical

"good" times and do not last long...they tend to

identify it in themselves and want others to support,

agree and give them attention as a solution to them

feeling so awful.

when half of anything changes, the WHOLE needs to


Understand how to interract with the N, not taking

things so personally.  As you begin to decide that

things are not working for you, suggest the person

goes and talks to somebody.  If they resist, tell them

YOU are going to talk to somebody and if they want to

come with you, they can.

Prayer for Jesus to do for these people what they

can't do for themselves.  "humble themselves" 

"confess their sin one to another"  have elders lay

hands on the person...


do not take things's about THEM and

not you.

N will take NO responsibility for what went wrong, but

the Codep will take on ALL responsibility for what

when wrong.

Need to be assured of love, worth, acceptance by

God and us.

When child does not feel that assurance, there is a

self-centeredness that shows up in that adult-child.

when you really listen to them, you will hear them

making a fool of themseves

N's do know what they are doing.

N's see their father's a their FATHER


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Re: For any who know or want to re-know what a Narcissist is:
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 03:51:15 AM »
Hiya RM

N's do know what they are doing
Do you think?  Maybe they know what they are doing but can they help what they are doing?  I went through quite a lot over email with my bio dad.  And I felt that no matter how hard I tried to explain it, he was unable to see it.  He was unable to see how his actions affected others, he was unable to see what part he played in it all.  I even tried to break it right down, what was his responsibility and what was mine, but he just didn't get it.  I was on the phone to him one day, and trying to tell him what he was like from another persons perspective, and he kept the conversation going, kept on and on until he managed to twist things round by it was my fault.  I can't remember the exact reason he used now, but from that conversation I worked out how he was always right.

N's see their father's a their FATHER
This is so true.... Bio dad said to me "Unfortunately I’m your father, wanting it to be someone else doesn’t change that”. And “I’m your father and your father walks you down the isle”  He always said father, never dad!!  (This was when I was organising our wedding last year and I asked my stepdad to walk me down the isle and bio dad to do the speech.  Heck he liked talking so much I thought it was suit him, however this was the nasty part of the wedding)

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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PLease note this correction to my post
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2006, 09:06:47 AM »
N's see their FATHER (GOD) as their father (bio-father) other words, they see God as unavailable, punishing, etc, if their own fathers were that way.


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Re: For any who know or want to re-know what a Narcissist is:
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2006, 09:38:58 AM »
This is a genuine question...not sarcasm here, Laura:
Where do you get most of your information and how are you trained and what is your profession?   You always seem so sure of the accuracy of your information. (I only know you have said you mentor).
I wondered if you work... since you have over 600 posts since March. I find posting to be time consuming. How do you find that much time to be here? BJ
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 09:41:37 AM by BJ »


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Re: PLease note this correction to my post
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2006, 09:53:35 AM »
N's see their FATHER (GOD) as their father (bio-father) other words, they see God as unavailable, punishing, etc, if their own fathers were that way.

Ahhh I see where you are coming from with this now.  From my perspective, regarding my bio dad it could be linked.
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: For any who know or want to re-know what a Narcissist is:
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2006, 12:25:22 PM »
BJ: This is a genuine question...not sarcasm here, Laura:
Where do you get most of your information and how are you trained and what is your profession?   You always seem so sure of the accuracy of your information. (I only know you have said you mentor).
I wondered if you work... since you have over 600 posts since March. I find posting to be time consuming. How do you find that much time to be here? BJ

Thanks BJ and I'm glad to share:

Where do I get most of my information?  From the Holy Ghost/God, Crisis Counseling Training, Evangelism Explosion training, mentorship, life's hard-knocks.  How am I trained?  by my mentor who specializes in helping ritually abused people, school studies in Sociology, Psychology, Intercultural Communications.

What is my profession?  Currently I am in college majoring in Child Development, am a singer/keyboardist for my church, a mother of 4 daughters, ages 21, 17, 12, 7, wife of 19 years, homeschool mom of my 12 year old, own a restaurant with my husband, spiritual daughter to my mentor/mom.

I am not sure of the ACCURACY of my information as much as I am sure of the personal conviction of what God put within me and what I have experienced in life.