Dear Anansi,
fully-fledged board member, welcome and valued contributor (that’s how I see you right now, how do you see you?)
Please no need for explanation about when you reply. There’s no standard to live up to I don’t think. Anytime is a good time.
Did I think of you enough to write to you, or did I sense something in your post, something that sounded like you wanted a hand – I think it was you thanking people here for their kindness, actually, that alerted me, as though you were planning to go away, somehow. You are welcome here and you can stay, you have a place, a space, to be you.
Gratitude. The thing is, I chose to write to you because of what you’d written: you had an effect on me and you therefore have an individual influence that perhaps you don’t see? Perhaps you might imagine that you’re alone and not seen, when in fact, I’d bet quite a few people see you.
I'll be saved by one woman who can see me and love me
It’s quite possible this could happen. But you might have to ‘catch her eye’! Are you looking at the women who might look back at you?
If I can get through this valley (head nodding in 'how incredible that would be'), you all will truly have been part of a miracle.
Anansi, there’s no ‘if’ as Write said. ‘If’ is not an option, it’s a non-option, if you see what I mean. ‘If’ is simply maintaining the status quo, ‘if’ doesn’t make any changes, even tiny ones (like smiling at the female who gives you the grocery bag etc). Tiny steps often yield big results, changes in attitude. I imagine you feel so alone, and so many other people feel so alone too, all around you, not seeing each other. There is a chink of light out there but it needs seeking out, I believe that!
Miracles, hey, miracles take a while, the impossible a little longer. You control your brain Anansi, and that’s an incredible and wonderful organ you have at your disposal. You can change your brain, you need to want to and not resist. ‘If’ doesn’t exist. Right ‘now’ exists!
What would help you most, right now, do you think?
Hope you keep posting, as and when you want to, no pressure, no obligations here.