Hi Penelope,
Yes, a couple of things...
I do think it has to do with my dad on some level. With me, my dad probably had Asperger's Syndrome. He had the emotions but truly was clueless about sharing them, expressing them. Other than anger. It was very hard to connect with him. So, on the one hand, I was a child who craved love and affection without even knowing what it looked like! And on the other hand, I must have experienced love as something of a one way street. Always loving from afar or loving someone who wasn't going to be able to give it back. I do think it is possible to compare with the experience of an N dad, but I just don't really know how. Ns act the emotions without having them? Opposite from what Aspergers does, but maybe ending up in a similar way as far as how the child will learn to love? I still haven't sorted it out by any stretch. But I do believe this flawed or difficult relationship with my dad is a factor in my lifetime of crushes and emotional affairs.
Yes, I have a great amount of difficulty wanting to deal with this aspect of my self. It is a mixture of things. One big one is that I have spent a lifetime truly believing that I am unloveable. That hurts tremendously. And it is very hard to unlearn. I have spent my life seeing only what reinforces this belief that I am unloveable. So, when I suddenly am confronted by a man or men who acted interested, (such as what happened when I got the job I have now where it is about 50/50 male to female, a first for me) it was like rain in the desert to me. Not being loved in return never stopped me from having crushes before, but when it seemed like my feelings were being returned, wow, it felt so incredible!
And this happened in spite of me being married to a phenomenal man who loves me like crazy and more and more each day. I guess it wasn't enough for me to have love only one time. I mean, it might be a fluke. Being loved one time by one person didn't prove my loveability to me at all. This is how I think and what I have had to deal with as far as unlearning my belief that I am unloveable.
The length of time healing takes--oh, I am very much an impatient patient!!! I hate how long it takes. And the fact that I cannot control the speed or the results. And I also drag my feet because I still have that addiction thing going on in there. The short period of time that it felt wonderful--well, I still remember that and I still have hope that it could happen again. Logic can't always win me away from that hope. So, I'm sometimes progressing in spite of myself. And regressing sometimes in spite of myself.
Other issues: well, guilt. I mean, I never wanted to hurt my husband. In fact, I kept it from him the first time it happened and became so depressed I was crying all the time and he got very, very worried I would do myself in. I had to tell him in order to save my sanity. Otherwise, I wouldn't have. Who wants to hear that their wife has it bad for someone else? Nobody wants that.
Also, I hate to be judged and, therefore, disliked, maybe even ostracized. Everyone has opinions or has heard opinions on cheating, affairs, etc. It might happen a lot, but it is not an acceptable custom in western society, let us say. In fact, the N friend who I wanted to have the fling with often makes derogatory comments about people who cheat. Talk about a mixed signal! Of course, being N, he has a way to justify his behavior with women that completely absolves him of any responsibility. I mean, here we have someone who does these things, judging others for being weak. I sure don't want to be judged. Which makes it kind of hard to talk about it and work it out.
It is a very complex problem, PB. Giving up your only joy in life--Oh, I have used this "hobby" as a reward many times. I can't think of too many things in my life that have felt this good when it feels good. When it breaks my heart--well, I think to myself, this is what it feels like to really be alive, other people felt this kind of pain when they were teenagers and learned about love then. I skipped right over that. So, to have my heart get broken, in a way it makes me feel like more a part of the human race. And I can't help but think that in skipping right over falling in love and getting broken-hearted in youth--I missed some very important lessons in life. I feel ignorant. Like a child. And I don't want that. I want to know what other people know! And I want to learn it in the way they learned it!!!
I guess I feel now that it is going to take as long as it takes. It does help to have breakthroughs and times when I feel pretty good. Gives me hope. But keeping it to myself didn't work, telling about it didn't really speed it up any. Talking and thinking and watching for lessons all help. But it can't be forced. I've tried that!!! I just can't make it happen in my time. It has to happen in the fits and spurts that I've been getting by with.
The boundaries issue seems to be related, but I'm finding that one easier to work on. I think I'm making better progress with that. Faster at any rate. Don't know if it has contributed to my recent breakthrough or not. I tend to think I was just ready for this breakthrough. This board and the words and love of the members has helped me with general healing. I suspect that is the major factor.
I know I have a ways to go. I work on things as I'm able. Some issues I have to let rest for awhile when I hit a plateau. I don't think I lose too much ground by doing that. You don't unlearn lessons like these. My weak moments, well, I'm working on self-forgiveness when that happens.
It's a really hard part of life. A really difficult part of my past and my personality.
Thanks for your questions, PB. It is so hard to sort this out sometimes, that having specific questions is helpful. It does turn around and around in me. You know, when I think about giving it up, sometimes I feel so sad. I imagine myself at the end of my long life, 85 years old and in the nursing home, and looking back and thinking, boy, I never got to have my "adventure"! I missed out! That is not what I think all the time. But I think it often enough to know that my "adventure" means a great deal to me and to have to give it up is really hard. I suppose that as I go along, I will come up with a better outlook. That other important things, like my husband and my marriage being of utmost importance, will settle in with me and drown out that other, very young thought.
You know, inside, I'm about 14. I figure if I let her develop, eventually young Pennyplant will mature, maybe into her twenties or thirties! I could live with that I guess.
So, it goes the way it goes, PB. As you work on your other stuff, maybe some of it will relate to this subject in some way. When you're ready, you'll know it, I believe.
Take it easy now and good night. I have an early day tomorrow and have to get to bed.
Good night to all. Pennyplant