Author Topic: Empathy research  (Read 2343 times)


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Empathy research
« on: February 27, 2004, 12:04:04 PM »
Hello friends,

Here are some articles regarding research on empathy that other posters shared on another thread on the "What Helps?" side of the board.  I bring them over here to the "discussion" side. ‘Real pain dulled in virtual worlds’ ‘Couples 'feel each other's pain'   

You folks in the UK are doing your bit to get to the bottom of this!  :D  For one US reporter's take on the same research, go to and search "empathy".  It's the Feb 20th article entitled Scientists discover how the brain feels others' pain Empathy has neurological basis, they say (Because of the popup ads, etc, I cannot cut and paste the URL.)  At first I was rather distressed to read that the study wired the women, then read on to see they also scanned the men.  Phew!

After reading these, we might want to ask our future spouses not only for a clean bill of health but also an fMRI!!!  But would this be "playing fair"?  8)

Hope this sheds some "light". Best,  Seeker