Here's a clean one, about doctors.
An internal medicine doc, a radiologist, a pathologist, and a surgeon are out duck hunting. They have all agreed to take turns attempting to 'bag' a duck as opportunities arise.
Shortly after they settle into the blind, several waterfowl fly past. It's the internist's turn. He aims, then says: "looks like ducks. Rule out geese... rule out swans... rule out loons..." and by then, the birds are out of range.
Next chance comes for the radiologist, who just watches the birds fly past, observing that "The appearance is consistent with, but not necessarily diagnostic of, ducks."
Third chance falls to the pathologist. But as a large flock of birds passes over, the surgeon suddenly raises his gun and fires, bringing down a large fowl. He then turns to the pathologist and says, "Right. Go get that, and tell me what it is."
And yes, this is an N joke too, isn't it?

Here is a musician joke.
Tropical island. Beautiful. Beautiful. But every visitor learns quickly that they had better have earplugs, or get used to the sound of constant, endless drumming. And when they comment about it, when they complain, all they hear from the local citizens is: "Drums are good. Drumming must not stop."
Hour after hour, day after day, the drumming continues... and the tourists buy earplugs, or leave, or slowly go dotty...
Then, one afternoon, all of a sudden,
the drumming
And the local citizens come scrambling out of their houses, terrified, clutching each other, wailing, beside themselves.
One intrepid tourist, bravely removing an earplug, runs over to a small group of locals who are holding onto one another out on the pavement.
"I don't understand... what's wrong? The drumming was maddening, it went on and on and on... and now it's stopped. How can that be a bad thing?"
And the locals turn to him and wail:
[Yeah, I learned this one from that sweet hairy bass playing guy.]
My favorite Steven Wright:
I was at this restaurant and ordered soup. When the waiter brought it there was a fly in it. I was so depressed. I ordered a moth.