I got lucky this weekend. We are invited to a birthday party for a little guy, two years old, and I thought I would be working on Sunday as usual and would miss the party. I miss everything because of work!! But..... I have the day off!! So, I get to go to a party. Saturday after work is a baby shower for a work friend's daughter. Two parties in one weekend. We went to Babies R Us yesterday to buy the baby gift and it was hard! Those baby registries are complicated. Finally found two things on her list and bought them along with a small stuffed bumble bee that giggles when you squeeze his belly. Very cute. The two-year-old is getting a tub of duplo blocks (legos for little ones).
Saturday night hoping to see a good film and will probably eat something good in the jazz cafe attached to the theater. Practically a perfect weekend. I've got my fingers crossed that all goes well.
This is not my typical weekend, so maybe that is why I feel so lucky that our plans finally worked out for a change.