Author Topic: DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY  (Read 3558 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2006, 02:19:41 PM »
Laura In this life I had ten years of depression after my twin passed .That was enough of depression.I do let myself feel all the feelings that come up and knowing that life is short I am choosing to be optimistic and positive as I can .We really are safe in this world.I accept the world and believe not adding to the fear is good.But I still feel afraid at times but that is letting it's grip off of me.

Laura Your project sounds so neat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so love kids.You are in my prayers.Kids will love the idea of STARCHILD and I am sure the kids will too Laura no need for nerves.I am glad you are feeling better .My oldest daughter's major is in communications.We laugh about our own methods sometimes we are very intense.

Glad the biz is doing great too.Glad your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jodi and Marie ya got to love them.

Love always , :D :D :D

Certain Hope

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« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2006, 02:37:31 PM »
Hi Laura,

  I remember those two songs you mentioned, along with the feeling I'd get listening to them. Like Moon said... that it was all about using other people as objects...  or trying to cause a certain overpowering effect onto others.  Bette Davis was so... domineering, at least to me!

  You sound good, Laura... sorry you were sick, but glad you're feeling better now. Your "Starchild" presentation sounds so cool!
Maybe if you just forget about the people watching and imagine that they're only a bunch of little children who are thrilled to watch... cuz really, I think, it will wake up the little child in them and everyone will enjoy!

Re: things are just fine, as long as I keep telling them how thrilled I am that they found each other.  Go figure!

   Yup... just nod and smile and keep patting them on the back and they'll be contented as 2 peas in a pod  :|

Moon.....  That was enough of depression.I do let myself feel all the feelings that come up and knowing that life is short I am choosing to be optimistic and positive as I can .We really are safe in this world.I accept the world and believe not adding to the fear is good.But I still feel afraid at times but that is letting it's grip off of me.

Me, too, also, indeed... enough grinding against the world and those who inhabit it! In acceptance lieth peace.

(((((((((((Moon)))))))))) Thank you for this.


Gaining Strength

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« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2006, 01:12:43 PM »
I just got a little insight - my mother treats her youngest sister much the way she treats me. 
I have alwyas taken her treatment of me personnally and responded as such. 
but the way she treats me has much more to do with her than with me.
The same is true of my NPD father. When my parents or brothers were dismissive of me,
I took it to mean that I was not worth much.  It really hurt and I began to be filled with rage.
But it wasn't about me.

Now I must learn to apply that to my every day life. 

Certain Hope

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« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2006, 03:29:26 PM »
Dear Gaining Strength,

  My mother treated her younger sister much the same... with barely veiled contempt and disdain. She was the aunt of mine whom I described previously as "borderline" p.d.

... but the way she treats me has much more to do with her than with me. 

Yes, exactly.

You used the word "dismissive" here and that strikes such a chord with me. Often the dismissal was with regard to something quite trivial, yet the overarching pattern, especially with my mother, was ~ it didn't matter what my perspective might be, she'd cast doubt and dispersion and contempt all over it to the point that I no longer bothered sharing a thought... not with her or with anyone.
This must have started at quite a young age with me, because it surely became a deeply engrained trait.
Hugs, GS... time for developing new patterns.


Gaining Strength

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« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2006, 05:52:56 PM »
Thanks Hope
time for developing new patterns.
It is indeed.  I want to take a pill for that.  I'm ready for the new  patterns. - GS


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« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2006, 09:02:43 PM »
I just got a little insight -

I think it's huge, GS!

 :)  Hops
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2006, 11:36:17 PM »
Thank you friend - I replied to one of your post some time yesterday.

It was the one that had a BIG GS right in the middle. I wrote a lengthy
reply and posted it but cyberspace ate it right up.  I've had a hard
time getting on several times today, too.  C'est la vie. - GS