Wow, Hops
You have taken a really in-your-face approach here.
I'll take this as an opportunity to apply some of my newfound knowledge about maintaining boundaries in relationship.
I don't like your approach.
I don't like it because I feel that you have put my back against the wall in the public square to force me to take a stand.
I also don't like it because you say:
I may be just re-living some childhood moments, but that's okay.
I disagree. I don't think it's at all ok to involve an innocent bystander in your reliving of childhood. What I hear you saying is, it's ok for me to back you into a corner because I might discover a benchmark and that would make it all worthwhile
And all of this because I did not respond to one post which you directed at me?
You know, not everyone to whom I post responds, but I don't think anything of it, nor do I post a reply to everyone who comments on one of the threads I initiate... or any thread, for that matter. I figure that people are like me... busy, taking in alot of info and choosing to comment on that which most impacts them... all normal stuff, part of engaging in a forum such as this. I don't feel like I need to have something to say about every single post that's made here. If I tried to do that, I'd be spouting alot of hot air for sure, because sometimes a topic simply doesn't "grab" me. If I can't respond from sincere interest, from my heart, I'll pass.
That being said, I'll attempt to explain what happened on this thread. When I saw your reply #4, I didn't know why you were asking me whether you could comment on this thread. I said exactly that in my reply #6.
I also didn't know exactly what you were asking in your reply #4, because I hadn't yet noticed that you'd already posted a response on the thread to Brigid (your reply #3). (I view the replies in reverse order and missed that one.) When I saw that you then posted another reply, directed toward me (#11), I realized that what you'd been asking all along was... did I personally want you to comment to me. I found that very odd. Because I found it odd (and still do) and felt that I had really been "put on the spot", I chose not to respond. I still believe that was a wise choice, because this feels to me like a very invasive, pushy sort of maneuver and, as I said, I don't like it.
There is, however, one thing you've said which I must address:
Quote: Is it possible you decided because I don't share your belief system you'd prefer not to dialogue with me? I know sometimes people feel the need for that kind of boundary, and I'd certainly respect your wishes if that's the case.
Well, in your reply #4, you said, I wanted to ask you if my questions are welcome, if you'd like a comment from me...
(if not please know that I am not going to take offense and yet... when you received no response... you put me on the spot again? Sounds to me like you did take offense and showed little respect for my wishes, so... what's next? If you show that no matter what you say, you will turn around and do the opposite, what do you suppose the effect of that might be? That's a rhetoircal question, by the way.
Also, it appears to me that you are suggesting that I'm burdened with some sort of religious prejudice based on one fact...
I didn't respond to one of your posts to me.
I find that..... amazing. I have drawn no such boundary. In fact, I've dialogued freely with many people here of various beliefs and gotten along well. But now, because you've suggested that I may be a religious bigot, should I be forced to defend myself against a bogus insinuation? I don't think so.
I hope that this will clarify in your mind my position and my boundaries, Hops. No offense taken by me... just trying to be clear.