Hi Brigid,
Thinking of your situation is what led me to this article, which although it doesn't directly apply to me (since I still have two of four children at home)
in many ways describes how I've felt as each of my other two daughters left to pursue her own life. It's happened to me in stages, but nonetheless, I can sense the changing winds. My responsibilities with 2 are already so much different than ever before... and these two are both fairly self-sufficient, low maintenance kids (lol- don't tell them I said that)... so I do wonder often... now what?
You said: Over the last 4 years, I have had so many major changes and losses in my life, that I was forced to accept and make, that the one constant thing in my life that didn't have to immediately change was my status as a full-time mom.
Same here!! It's been exhausting. And you know.. there's such a push for women to be effective, producing members of society (including stay at home moms, who often are recipients of a guilt trip, I think, for not making any more of a contribution ~ heh) ... but do we really need to prove our worth and value? No way. We do have a responsibility to ourselves though, I think, to prevent boredom by finding something to do with our time which will energize us and hopefully benefit others, as well. As far as the business of letting go and letting God... I think that expression means different things to different people. I've never viewed it as a way to shirk responsibility for conscientious planning and preparation as far as setting goals. To me, it simply means that I can skip the worrying & fretting and trust Him to open doors according to His will. Getting that fear out of the way opens the heart and mind up to all sorts of possibilities which we can miss when we're frantic, I think. I saw another article the other day which had what I thought were some good tips for considering options at the information gathering stage of all this. Will see if I can locate that one again and add to this later. Personally, I'm even thinking of getting a part time job at one of the local schools, just to be more involved in things there and enlarge my circle of contacts, so to speak. Might be fun! Have you considered re-entering the world of dog breeding? I imagine that's alot of work, but maybe on a smaller scale? I just know that there are limitless possibilities out there waiting, if and when it's time, with no shame at all in not being up to speed right this instant. Hope you can rest easy for now, Brigid, and just allow the ideas to flow.
Love and hugs back to you,