I'm taking one of the 'mycin type of antibiotics....two capsules four times a day. I'm also feeling feverish which may be a sign that my body's defenses is finally kicking in and fighting the infection. Feeling like this makes me not want to go shopping for anything. Boyfriend brings me pistachio ice cream with nuts in it...after telling him that chewing is painful! He don't get it!
Sounds like it might be clindamycin. If it is [check the label] and if you develop GI trouble - loose stools - especially if they're, umm, very frequent and very loose - get and take Pepto-Bismol, liquid is best for this, make sure you notify the doc, and keep taking Pepto until your GI symptoms are alleviated, even if they put you on a different antibiotic. Routine precaution. Don't exceed recommended dosage on the Pepto, salicylates cause your ears to ring. [I'm glad I asked.]
Re your boyfriend: is he the kind who leaves grease on the dishes, or breaks one, when you ask him to help you wash up after you have cooked a meal for the two of you? Or is he the kind that if you don't give him precisely detailed directions, will go off on some tangent of his own and - bring you chunky style ice cream - but if you do give him directions, will have a hissy fit about being talked down to?
That question is for future reference. For now, if you aren't up to shopping, you might try giving him a list with both the brand names and the exact flavor or type of thing specified, and at least one alternate selection. Example:
"Breakstone cottage cheese, plain, small curd, two cup [4 servings - check label for number of servings]. Alternate: Safeway Lucerne brand, small curd, same size."
"Safeway Select vanilla ice cream, or french vanilla, half gallon. Alternate: Breyer's vanilla, same size."
"Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Regular, box of 10 single serving pouches. Alternate: Safeway's instant oatmeal, regular, same size."
He may not like this much, but it beats lacerating your esophagus trying to swallow pistachio chunks whole, or picking them off your tongue. And before he goes, you could tell him that if he can't find what you need on the shelves, he should please go to the Customer Service Counter and ask someone to get it for him out of stock. This is known as 'heading it off at the pass' since Unhelpful Option #2 [after #1, which is to bring you something you can't use] is to come home with nothing, claiming he couldn't find anything you'd be satisfied with.
If this amount of strategy is too much mental trouble in your present state [I mean that, am not mocking you], you can call the local Giants and Safeways - some of them will deliver for a nominal charge, you don't have to use the online ordering service if you're ill and housebound. You will need to give them pretty much the same level of detail that I've provided here, but they will at least have a business incentive to get it right for you.
Do you have any reasonably decent and trustworthy neighbors who would do a grocery run for you and would come right back without deciding to fit in ten of their own errands first? Anyone at church? That is another possibility.
Sorry you have to deal with this. I've been alone and essentially without support system for close to a decade, so I have these things down to instinctive reactions now. I hope this helps and doesn't overwhelm. And do think about how your BF is behaving, because he's not only not getting it, his inability to help you on this basic level when you are in dire need - is troubling.