Thanks, jac.
I'm starting to recognize the components of grieving for what I never got from my own family of origin and how these latest circumstances are so similar to that. Plus, I've always struggled with PTSD as long as I can remember since growing up in my family was like being trapped in a war zone. I'm still having trouble with nightmares which is why I'm online in the middle of the night.
I'm sorry I have not commented before, but long posts are a bit daunting to read all at once. Anyway, I got this far, and decided to say something.
If you think that you have symptoms of ptsd, and you also have a history of child abuse (what you aptly describe as a war zone childhood) then you are more likely to have complex ptsd. If you want information about this it is found in a book by Dr Judith Herman called Trauma and Recovery. I have cptsd myself, and it is not an easy condition to live with. terms of your job loss, it is very important to keep your eyes on the goal of achieving a new job, without letting the anxiety get out of control. The reason I say this is that my job contract ended in April 2000, and I managed for about three or four months to do the application forms, interviews etc, and then I went to pieces. I have not worked since. (Not true, I work every day. I have not received any money for working since.

) But I had no support at the time, and no idea what was wrong with me.
I am not saying this will happen to you, because we all have our own paths to follow, but hang onto all those positive thoughts, and believe in yourself.