I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you and am glad you are here.
I am an artist I use many different media .But I just wanted to say I am legally blind in one eye.
It is amazing how my mind uses my one good eye the only thing I can not see would be if I went to a movie that had 3-d .Oh well
I still paint and sew and all the other stuff.I also have an on-ocular that helps with my long distance and I do not drive at night .
Really I do not drive a lot and have never driven on freeways well at least not with me driving...........
I do wish you well with your job search and hope you will find just the right position soon,
And good luck with the dentist I just got my teeth cleaned and my little d just got a cavity filled .Sure am glad thats over with..........
Much love to you
