I'm not sure how well I did with today's interview(s). I met with multiple people and it was so hard to read them. I might have come across as desperate. To add to it, I got lost trying to find my way there and I got lost again going home at the end of it all. During the course of the interview process, I saw other applicants interviewing for the same job, which was a bit unnerving considering that they were all half my age. At one point during the interview, the interviewer suggested that I should apply for a counselor's job instead. (As if I haven't been trying for the past 8 to 9 months. ARGH!) I had such a hard time trying not to let my frustration show.
This past week was rough anyway.
Tuesday, I learn that an interview I had in March resulted in a rejection.
Wednesday, I learn that I wasted my time and gas driving to another county for an interview that should never have been scheduled in the first place.
Thursday, I receive a call telling me that I cannot qualify for the SCSEP Program because my monthly pension is slightly over the cutoff of $13,000 a year. (Who in the heck can live on $13,000 a year with housing, food, utilities, etc.?!? My pension can't stretch far enough as it is!)
Friday was my interview where I met with at least five different people in five different offices and different floors plus a walking tour of the facility.
It's hard not to get discouraged.