aww (((((((Bones)))))))) what a wonderful (and bittersweet!) sendoff they gave you! I am sure that you will be greatly missed there.
Starting your new job that same day had to be quite the challenge! I hope the hectic part of it eases up soon as you learn these new skills and that the people there are kind and cooperative to you.
You seem to love the learning so much... but I also know how stressful such changes can be. Please take good care of yourself.
With love,
Thanks, Hope!
I'm making a point of taking care of myself today. I gave myself a L-O-N-G overdue session of pampering by having my feet, legs and lower back massaged by a massage therapist. (I had been dealing with painful spasms virtually every day while I was at the prison job. The therapist commented that my body was dealing with stress and toxins and that last job was, indeed, T-O-X-I-C!) By the end of the session, I was FINALLY able to move freely WITHOUT pain!!!! It felt SO GOOD!!!!!!!

Tomorrow morning, I'm giving myself my very first ear candling session! I'm looking forward to just laying down and relaxing while the therapist does what she does best!

(I am so glad that this spa is so close to home!)