I am a bit nervous, cause since divorcing my N parents (officially since sometime before Christmas last year), I have also had to cut off all enabling siblings. In order to determine (in my mind anyway) who would be enabling N Mom & N Dad's abuse, and who wouldn't, I wrote a simple email to all my family- all brothers and sisters and spouses/SO's (~10 people)- which stated how I felt about the abuse, and which also requested that whoever agreed and felt that the behavior that I found most damaging, which was scapegoating, should not be supported/perpetuated, could they please send me a quick email or call to let me know? Well, I heard back from one brother. So currently, I'm only talking to him and his wife.
Anyway, we've had dinner once since this email (back in April), and now he's emailed me again and said he'd like to get together for dinner again. I'm very nervous;. We've not talked at all since then. I'm sure my N parents are Livid with me at this point, and are probably trashing my name behind my back, as this is generally what has happened in the past when I've cut them off (I once didn't talk to them for over 2 years). Also, since that time, one of my other siblings + family (wife and two kids) have moved out of state, another sibling + family (husband and two kids) are getting ready to move to Guam for a couple years as he graduates from OCS this month and he will be fulfilling his military duties there... and another sibling + family (husband and newborn son who I've not seen) are probably wondering where I am. In other words, I'm waiting for the: so, when are you going to call/write these guys, from the brother I am talking to. My answer is: I'm not, they didn't respond positively to my request to not scapegoat me with Mom and Dad, so I can't have a relationship with them - just like I can't have a relationship with Mom and Dad until they realize what they're doing hurts me, and stop - which they may never.
I found this about holding grudges:
[If you decide to forgive a grudge, and want to reestablish a relationship, it should only be done if you realize the person has probably not changed. So, if you stopped] "talking in 1991 because he got drunk and insulted your wife, or bilked you out of half your paycheck with a sob story, the odds are good that he'll do it again ... You need to accept that possibility and be prepared to confront it—ideally without cutting him out of your life a second time...Who ever said this would be easy?"
I currently have no grudges with this one brother and his wife, as they were the ones who responded positively, but I'm wondering if they will change their mind at some point and say: "comeon, why don't you start talking to the family again (for whatever reason)..." It will be tough for me if this happens, as I'm not able or ready to forgive and reestablish those broken relationships for the reason above - they've not changed.