Hi Tavia and Welcome!!!
I haven't read Dr. Laura's book yet, but I listen to her as often as I can on the radio and have heard a lot of what she has to say on the subjuect (and she has helped me separate a ton from the feelings I had associated with my parents).
Thank you for adding that. I wasn't sure if my eggshells were of my own making. But you are exactly right about the "team" thing. My sister can turn very self-centered very quickly. Especially when it comes to her relationship with her husband (a know-it-all-I-don't-follow-the-rules-normal-humas-do type) whom she must have doubts about and therefore protects... I feel sorry for her. She seems so confused and yet quick to cover those she is confused about.
It's been two weeks since I talked to my parents. I am not going to call or write. There is nothing to talk about. I always do it out of guilt... but I was thinking, why do I have to always be the one to make contact???? Before it was because I felt I had to fulfill the daughterly duty. I just don't feel like it.
Thanks all.
Love, Beth