Welcome Tavia,
My way of loving myself has to do with how much I love others .
I look down at my youngest daughter say when she is asleep .
I see her sweet little face and all these feelings of love and protection fill my heart .
I can pet her on her forehead and the love I feel is such a gift.
If I can feel such love and care for each of my children and also for my hubby why would I be less deserving?
So I THINK OF MY SELF AS A CHILD and for a moment or I redirect some of that love from my child to myself.
Then the room is filled with gentleness for me and my child.
I also have that love FOR myself as an adult and it works in the same manner.
We are Children of GOD and have been blessed by Grace of God.
I have been set free but I still have work to do but have found the path.