I agree, GS. I have been able to better deal with my life because I have this outlet and have this understanding of myself. I used to be so embarassed, or worried I would not be liked. Or I had to go overboard to ensure everyone did like me. I am not doing it as much anymore.
In fact, my "friend" the drunk neighbor I have told you about is on the way out as a "friend." I had a crisis (OK< maybe not a crisis, but for our family it was horrible...)> I went home the otehr night and both of our piggies had died during the day... the baby and the one we have had for three years. My daughter is so upset and I am so sad and so is my son. We adored them. My "friend" always calls, usually drunk, to tell me how this or that person did something to her and I listen... I went over yesterday and told her about the piggies and she just said, "Oh and then proceeded to tell me about her son and how he wasn't listening. I am done... I am not going to enter into unhealthy relationships. There is just no reason.
Sooo... I would rather be with my kids than with a spoiled adult, you know? But I am also doing more of coffees, and hanging out with nice people... Before I couldn't bear to be with anyone...
Love, Beth