Hi, all!
I've been lurking for a while, yet this is my first (second?) post.
Every problem begins in one of the realms we don't talk about too much. I think all problems are spiritual ones at base. No, I'm nor going to suggest any kind of religion..or any kind of belief.
I am going to suggest looking into ways of clearing out well, energy toxins, for want of a better term. Emotions have a physical component. Their codes are carried along by neurotransmitters, and the emotions get stored in our tissues. If we don't clear out our energy systems, they get clogged and "dirty" just like our physical bodies.
Or think of it this way: if we are programmers coding ourselves, and we never clean out our code, who knows how the software will react once it's been bloated with junk layered upon junk?
One way of clearing these out is with the emotional freedom technique (EFT) and its related methods. You can learn to it yourself for free or almost...just google Gary Craig and EFT.
The idea is that it's like acupuncture without the needles. You recall the distressful situation, which enables the mind to locate it in the body. Next you tap on that meridian, while saying a series of phrases. You literally shake the negative emotion loose so your body can get rid of it.
Now, what's nice about this is that many of the phrases teach you to love and accept yourself.
In fact, a sample phrase might be: Even though I have no friends and people think i'm weird, i deeply love and accept myself.
Or, even though i have this pain in my leg, i deeply love and accept myself.
Or, even though my body is letting me down, I deeply love and accept myself.
It even feels good to say the phrases without tapping...we could all use more self-love and acceptance.
Many variations. It's the cheapest, most effective way I know of to make deep-seated changes rapidly.
If you want a counselor, I would suggest talking to Maryam Webster. I don't know her, but I've been thinking of taking her energy coaching program so I could become more proficient at using the techniques with others.
http://maryamwebster.blogs.com/about.htmlAs an aside, cleansing is at the base of every good natural health program. That's why we fast...it's not as a punishment...it's a way to get the cells to release those stored up emotions. Lots of water to flush them out of the body. Even colon cleansing! The cells get happy and don't want to store this stuff anymore.
Oh well...I'll stop here. Maybe I'll introduce myself later.
- TW